Monday, December 30, 2019

Study On Public Mutual Berhad In Malaysia Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1541 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Public Mutual Berhad (Public Mutual) is the largest private unit trust company in Malaysia and currently manages  more than 70 funds with total NAV of more than RM35.2 billion for more than 2,300,000 accountholders. Incorporated in July 1975, Public Mutual began its operations in 1980 with the launch of the Public Savings Fund, and soon went on to become an industry leader and setting forth new trends in innovative fund development. 1)investment objectives of public mutual To achieve long term capital appreciation while at the same time producing a reasonable level of income. Public Islamic Bond Fund was launched with the objective of providing annual income to investors through investments in Islamic Debt Securities. The fund is suitable for investors with conservative risk-reward temperament who seek stability of annual income with some safety of principal. To provide income and capital growth over the medium to long -term period by investing the e quities, collective investment scheme and fixed income securities in domestic and global market. To help more Malaysians plan their personal finances Your investment style should match you financial objectives. If it doesnt, you should see professional help in dealing with investment choices that match you financial objectives. 2) Financial risk Management policies : The fund is exposed to variety of financial risk, which include market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The overall financial risk management objective of the fund is to mitigate capital losses. Financial risk management is carried out through policy reviews, internal control systems and adherence to the investment powers and restrictions stipulated in the securities commissions guidelines on Unit Trust Funds in Malaysia. A unit trust fund is expected to a verity of risk by nature of investment schemes it in engaged in. Where the unit trust participate in stock market -re lated investment, the following risks become key considered Market Risk Market risk arises when the values of the securities fluctuates in response to the activities of individual companies, and general market or economic conditions. the market risk is managed through portfolio diversification and asset allocation whereby the securities exposure will be reduced in the event of anticipated market weaknesses. Interest Rate Risk Interest rates move in the opposite direction of bond prices. When the interest rates rise, bond prices fall and vice versa. When interest rate trend is anticipated to rise, the exposure to fixed income securities will be reduced. Credit risk Credit risk refers to the ability of an issuer or counterparty to make timely payments of interest, principles and proceeds from realization of investments. The manager manages the credit risk by setting counterparty limits and undertaking credit evaluation to minimize such risk. Liquidity risk The fund maintains sufficient level of liquid assets after consultation with the trustee, to meet anticipated payments and cancellation of unit holders. Liquid assets comprise cash, deposits and placement with licensed financial institutions and other instruments, which are capable of being converted into cash within 7 days. the funds policy is to always maintain a prudent level of liquid asset so as to reduce the liquidity risk. Currency Risk The fund may invest in financial instruments and enter into transactions denominated in currencies other than its functional currency. Consequently ,the fund is exposed to risk that the exchange rate of its functional currency relative to other foreign currencies may change in a manner that has significant effect on the value of that portion of the funds assets or liabilities denominated in currencies than Malaysian Ringgit 3) The fund manager may adopt various investment strategies, such as varying the asset allocation to adjust the risk and return characteristics of the fund., however should the fund manager judge market conditions incorrectly or apply an unsuitable investment strategy, the performance of the fund may be adversely effected 4) The fund is subject to the following constraints in the course of execution of its investment policies and strategies : Spread of investments The value of the funds holding in: The share capital of any single user must be exceed 10 percent of NAV;and The securities /instruments of ,and the securities /instruments relating to Spread; group of companies Concentration of investments 5) The general economy outlook of Malaysia for 2010 The world economy has recovered since the 4Q09 following numerous national policy measures, which enhanced private demand and global trade condition. However, the recovery path is uneven with developing Asia leading global growth, while advanced nations trailing behind. The strong economic expansion from developing Asia wa s led by China, India, and Indonesia with their relatively large domestic demand. Policymakers have begun to normalize policy rates, given rising inflation expectations and the emergence of asset bubbles. The Malaysian economy is still expected to benefit from ongoing global measures to stabilize its current economic situations through effective fiscal measures and loose monetary policy as a soft growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to register between 2%-3% in 2010. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) expects Malaysias economy to return to growth in 2010 ¹. According to Alianz Group Chief Economist Michael Heise, Malaysias economy is expected to see a solid growth of 3.5% in 2010 ². Growth this year will be driven by domestic demand, particularly the private expenditure which driven by expected recovery in world trade (refer to Comparison of Quarterly GDP Rate 2008-2009 ³). For 2010 as a whole, nevertheless, Malaysias GDP is expected to register at least in soft positive territory. Accordingly, the Southeast Asias third-largest economy has been hit robustly by the downturn in world trade, probably the worst economy since the 1930s, ensued from the financial crisis in U.S. and other developed countries as booming exports had been the major driver of Malaysian economic growth in recent years. For 2010, we are forecasting a fairly soft GDP growth of 3% for the emerging Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea and Singapore. The services sector will be the pillar of strength amidst a glum manufacturing sectorÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ´. Apart from the projected moderate improvement in the G3 economies of Europe, Japan and U.S., the key reasons for a soft recovery in Malaysia due to its relatively strong fiscal and monetary stimulus policies, large currency reserves and current account surpluses. More importantly, Malaysias Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose in December 2009 for the first time in seve n months as food and housing costs re-climbed coupled with Malaysias historic auto sales rose 33% (50,622 units, Jan 10; 38,107 units, Jan 09) year-on-year in January 2010ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ µ which underpinned Malaysias economic recovery.  ¹Business Times, February 26, 2010  ²Bernama, May 29, 2009  ³Department of Statistics Malaysia, December 2009 ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ´Business Week, January 25, 2010 ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ µDaily Express, February 24, 2010 Disadvantages of Mutual Funds †¢ Professional Management Many investors debate whether or not the professionals are any better than you or I at picking stocks. Management is by no means infallible, and, even if the fund loses money, the manager still gets paid. †¢ Costs Creating, distributing, and running a mutual fund is an expensive proposition. Everything from the managers salary to the investors statements cost money. Those expenses are passed on to the investors. Since fee s vary widely from fund to fund, failing to pay attention to the fees can have negative long-term consequences. Remember, every dollar spend on fees is a dollar that has no opportunity to grow over time. (Learn how to escape  these costs  in Stop Paying High Mutual Fund Fees.) †¢ Dilution Its possible to have too much diversification.  Because funds have small holdings in so many different companies, high returns from a few investments often dont make much difference on the overall return.  Dilution is also the result of a successful fund getting too big. When money pours into funds that have had strong success, the manager often has trouble finding a good investment for all the new money. †¢ Taxes When a fund manager sells a security, a capital-gains tax is triggered. Investors who are concerned about the impact of taxes need to keep those concerns in mind when investing in mutual funds.  Taxes can be mitigated by investing in tax-sensitive funds or by h olding non-tax sensitive mutual fund in a tax-deferred account, such as a  401(k) or IRA. (Learn about one type of tax-deferred fund in Money Market Mutual Funds: A Better Savings Account.) recap what weve learned in this tutorial: A mutual fund brings together a group of people and invests their money in stocks, bonds, and other securities. The advantages of mutuals are professional management, diversification, economies of scale, simplicity and liquidity. The disadvantages of mutuals are high costs, over-diversification, possible tax consequences, and the inability of management to guarantee a superior return. There are many, many types of mutual funds. You can classify funds based on asset class, investing strategy, region, etc. Mutual funds have lots of costs. Costs can be broken down into ongoing fees (represented by the expense ratio) and transaction fees (loads). The biggest problems with mutual funds are their costs and fees. Mutual funds are eas y to buy and sell. You can either buy them directly from the fund company or through a third party. Mutual fund ads can be very deceiving. Credit Risk Is also called default risk, is the chance that issuer will fail to make interest payments to pay back your principal when your bond matures. Currency risk It comes into play if money s to be converted to a different currency to purchase or sell an investment Don’t waste time! 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Revealing The Dystopia Of Brave New World - 1702 Words

Revealing The Dystopia Of Brave New World Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World reflects the fallacies of utopian happiness when a totalitarian government artificially controls a society. Controllers of the â€Å"World State† in Brave New World strategically allow their citizens to use designer drugs, mainly Soma, to create an unintelligent and unquestioning population that is segregated into five different social classes. However, there are some rebels in the midst of the World State that don’t stand true to their government’s laws. Moderation is almost unheard of in Brave New World. Soma, intensely pleasurably yet numbing to the mind, is the Brave New World version of drinking soda. Everyone does it. â€Å"The soma habit was not a private vice but a public institution† (Bowering 70). The controllers of the world state researched the drug for six years, until soma was finally produced. No instant side effects are caused, although the over use of the drug can result in a shortened life s pan of around forty-to-fifty years. This drug is used to the advantages of the Controllers. Mustapha Mond, the lead Controller of the World State in Brave New World, is one of the largest proponents in the embracement of Huxley’s Fordist ideas (Brander 76). While he does read Shakespeare and thinking individually, he still leads the world to believe that true happiness is found in the middle of a Soma tablet (Bloom 23). This mentality is visible among almost all of the citizens in Brave NewShow MoreRelatedThe Mystery Of The Chocolate War By Robert Cormier1593 Words   |  7 Pagessociety, reality, and human conditioning. The mystery is solved by playing with the readers emotions, leading them to take a different perspective on the view of the world. Fictional works are falsehoods, that reveal truths in a more eloquent fashion rather than non-fiction, by exposing corruption and imperfections of the real world, such as issues of Nazism – represented in three separate novels. In The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, demonstrates the ways in which modern society instills in peopleRead MoreBrave New World Vs. The House of The Scorpions2934 Words   |  12 PagesThe House of a Brave New World: Brave New World Vs. The House of The Scorpions Introduction: Dystopia; an â€Å"imaginary† society in which citizens are dehumanized and live what readers deem as an unpleasant, worthless life. Nancy Farmer’s novel The House of The Scorpions and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World are two dystopian novels that paint a surreal image of two societies on two opposite sides of the spectrum. Farmer’s novel depicts the life of a clone of the head of a huge drug cartel namedRead MoreThe Importance Of Conditioning And Its Effects On The Citizens1756 Words   |  8 PagesHatcheries and Conditioning) describes the process of conditioning and its effects on the citizens. He loves the Brave New World mentality and works hard to condition the citizens to follow the world orders. Through countless repetitions of specialized, perfected recordings, most children will follow all the rules of society. All people are essentially the same and have few original beliefs. The World State thinks that this keeps everyone safe and secure, w ith few who would actually rebel. 2. Pg. 64Read MoreAnalysis Of Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron 2407 Words   |  10 Pages We have all been warned that we are in for a little more than we expect when it comes to our future. In a short story by Kurt Vonnegut we will encounter these problems in an exaggerated futuristic world. Vonnegut’s satire invites us to think, first and foremost, about the implications of the pursuit of equality in relation to the American creed. But the way of life he depicts also invites us to think anew about the meaning and importance of the â€Å"American Dream,† and about whether technology helpsRead MoreCritics of Novel 1984 by George Orwell14914 Words   |  60 Pagesis a dystopia: an imagined world that is far worse than our own, as opposed to a utopia, which is an ideal place or state. Other dystopian novels include Aldous Huxleys Brave New World, Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, and Orwells own Animal Farm. When George Orwell wrote 1984, the year that gives the book its title was still almost 40 years in the future. Some of the things Orwell imagined that would come to pass were the telescreen, a TV that observes those who are watching it, and a world consisting

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Terrorism An Illegal Undertaking Free Essays

THESIS STATEMENT: How do terrorists able to fight governments while having no own operation bases and escape taxable economic entities? Terrorism are applied time and again as affairs of state tags of the morally wrong, haphazard, or intolerable practice of aggression or hazard of ferocity by particular perpetrators as for their specific purposes. Social change is their ultimate goal and this collective revolution is aspired so appallingly that terrorists may execute vastly unswerving crimes, especially for spiritual principles, that they may prefer their own death or the deaths of innocent civilians to attain their objective. Those regarded as terrorists hardly ever distinguish themselves as such, and normally make use of other general names or terms particular to their situation (Hans, 2002). We will write a custom essay sample on Terrorism: An Illegal Undertaking or any similar topic only for you Order Now The focal predicament with terrorism is that terrorists do not admit that they are terrorists and asserts that the governments are the terrorists. Despite the fact that an autonomous state adopting social freedom may maintain an implication of privileged ethical position than other administration systems, a performance of terror campaign within such a nation may bring about an apparent problem on whether to uphold its civic liberation and as a consequence run the risk of being recognized as pointless in dealing with the dilemma, or otherwise constrain its communal emancipation and hence risk unjustifiable allegation of sustaining a democratic organization. With this information at hand, it is indeed difficult to fight terrorism since they are usually not well organized or located. They don’t have their own operations bases since they are hiding and do not want to be caught or captured. Terrorism can be carried out by covert individuals, assemblages, or federations, funded by certain organizations, with mysterious orderly strategies and assaults in public places. Interaction may come about via prevailing telecommunications or all the way through conventional means such as couriers. Additionally, since revolutionaries who are involved in intimidation are not well organized and are considered to be illegal, they are not taxable and will hardly be taxable. Speaking of illegitimacy, several authorized government characterizations of terrorism put in a condition of unlawfulness to differentiate between proceedings that are certified by bylaws and those of other persons and minor units. Using this decisive factor, events that would otherwise be eligible of terrorism would not be taken into account as terrorism if they were approved by the board. For instance, a terrorist attack in a municipality, which is intended to distress national reinforcement for a basis, would not be regarded as terrorism if it were allowed by a reasonable authority (Cronin, 2003). Shared ideologies among permissible meanings of terrorism offer a rising consensus as to denotation and also promote collaboration between regulation enforcement staff in discrete nation states. Among these delineations, there are quite a few that do not make out the likelihood of   acceptable custom of fierceness   by civilians against an assailant in a dominated nation and would categorize all opposition engagements as terrorist parties. Others create a peculiarity between legally recognized and prohibited exploitation of ferocity. Sanctioned classifications ascertain counter-terrorism documents and are usually made available to act it. Most authority descriptions give a rough idea about the subsequent vital standards such as target, purpose, intention, executor, and authenticity of the feat. Groups carrying out viciousness are also frequently identifiable by a following set of executors. Oftentimes the word terrorism and radicalism are employed as exchangeable. Nevertheless, there is a noteworthy dissimilarity between the two as terrorism is basically a threat or a deed of substantial fierceness, whereas radicalism entails the use of non-physical mechanisms to activate people’s attention to realize some ideological occurrences (Kalyvas, 2004). They should have their own definite distinction as to which must be taxable. References: Hans, Kà ¶chler (2002). Terrorism and the Quest for a Just World Order. Manila Lectures. FSJ Book World, ISBN 0-9710791-2-9. Cronin, Audrey Kurth (2003) Behind the Curve: Globalization and International Terrorism. International Security, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 40-41. Kalyvas, Stathis (2004) The Paradox of Terrorism in Civil Wars in Journal of Ethics 8:1, p. 137-138. How to cite Terrorism: An Illegal Undertaking, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Pied Piper who had Delusions free essay sample

An analysis of Adolf Hitlers manipulation skills and the Nazi regime. This paper presents an analytical look at the ways in which Adolph Hitlers personality helped to shape the Nazi Regime. The writer takes the reader on an examination of Hitlers personality traits and explores how those traits applied themselves to the regime development. Today, when we look back through history, we are hard pressed to find any era in modern times that can compare with the atrocities that were inflicted by the Nazi Regime during the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was a man who has been accused of great genius and great madness at the same time. He will forever be known as the person who led the most violent and massive charge against others based on race and ability during modern history. His actions and his partys actions caused the destruction of millions of humans as well as their families. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pied Piper who had Delusions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He used them for scientific experiments of the worst magnitude, used them for free labor, killed them for sport and destroyed their communities and lifestyles. Today we shake our head with wonder and ask ourselves how on earth we let one man cause such massive pain and destruction against the human race.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ping Sweeps and Port Scans an Example of the Topic Science and Technology Essays by

Ping Sweeps and Port Scans THESIS STATEMENT Network probes, such as port scans and ping sweeps, can lead to intrusion of private systems of a company or network, enabling the intruders to gain access and change, or worst, ruin the settings of vulnerable target machines which can also ruin the whole company system as well, however, due to the advancement in technology, such activity can be detected and prevented using special tools. Need essay sample on "Ping Sweeps and Port Scans" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed INTRODUCTION Ping Sweeps and Port Scans are two most common network probes which serve as important clues in sensing invasion or intrusion that can harm the network's systems of machines. Though network probes are not truly intrusions, however, they may be potential causes of actual intrusions in the future (Theo, 2000). To avoid such circumstances, it is better that we have knowledge about how probes are performed and how we can detect them. PORT SCANS Port Scanning can discover the services running on a target machine giving the intruder a chance to study the whole system, making it easy for him to make a plan on how to attack any susceptible and defenseless service that he finds. For example, if an intruder finds any open port, such as port 143, he will observe what running IMAP version is on the target. If the version is weak, he can have an access to the machine using an "exploit" (Theo, 2000). How is it performed? You just need to connect a series of ports on the machine, finding which ones respond and which don't. A good programmer can write a simple port scanner in just fifteen minutes using Java or Perl language. On the other hand, this kind of port scan is easily detected by the operating system of the target machine (Theo, 2000). A tool called "scanlogd", developed by the Solar Designer, is a dmon running in a background and listening on the network boundary for port scans. The scanlogd recounts the detected port scan through inscribing a line using the syslog mechanism (Theo, 2000). PING SWEEPS In ping sweeps, a set of ICMP ECHO packets is being sent to a system of machines, specifically a range of IP addresses, and find out which ones will react. Active machines that respond will be the potential target of the intruder; from there he will focus on attacking and working on these machines. However, ping sweeps is sometimes performed by the network legitimately to find out which machines are alive for diagnostic reasons (Theo, 2000). Like port scans, ping sweeps can be detected using a special tool. ippl, an IP protocol logger, can log TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets. It works like the scanlogd, wherein it sits in the background and snoop for packets (Theo, 2000). CONCLUSION Since network probing activities like port scans and ping sweeps can be detected and prevented using special tools, there is no need to worry on possible intrusions of network systems and machines. Network machines needed to be secured with these special tools to avoid intrusions through probes. There are still many types of network probes which are significantly maturing today, however, these activities can still be detected also using the advancement in technology and proper skills and knowledge. REFERENCES Teo, L. (1 December 2000). Networks Probes Explained: Understanding Port Scans and Ping Sweeps. Retrieved 22 November 2007 from Thompson Course Technology. Port Scanning. [electronic version] . Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense. Chapter 5.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Spark of the Great Strike essays

Spark of the Great Strike essays On July 16th several firemen and brakemen on The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad refused to work the trains and caused a massive buildup of train traffic in Camden Junction just outside of Baltimore. The strikers gave their reason for striking; a 10 percent wage cut taking affect that day. (NY Times) The strikers overtook trains and there was even a report of a beating taking place of a fireman who continued to work. The company had been prepared for a strike and a force of 40 police officers was sent to disperse the strikers. Strikers refusing to go back to work were quickly replaced and the trains were quickly running again after the delay. The town of Martinsburg, Maryland was to be the focus of many train workers in the area to make a stand. (Bruce) The town was basically built around the railroad. Most of the residents worked for the railroad and were upset that wages were not higher. Residents of the town had resentment for the leaders of the railroad. They believed that the few leaders had too much pay for themselves. This growing dissatisfaction was fueled by the new wage cut. Martinsburgs police force was very small making it the optimal spot for resistance. After news of the failed strike in Baltimore had spread, a group of workers led by Richard Zepp, a railroad brakeman who had grown up in Martinsburg, sparked a strike by abandoning a cattle train and taking a stand by saying that no trains would be allowed to leave in either direction until the 10 percent wage cut was lifted. The mayor of the town ordered the ringleaders of the strike to be arrested. The crowd had grown in numbers and had become ra ther excited, the police were helpless to do anything. Noone could be found who would attempt to take out the train. By nightfall the yard was surrendered to the strikers. When morning came a few strikebreakers were found, they attempted to move the cattle train out of the yard, they were immediately met w...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The effects of raising the minimum wage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

The effects of raising the minimum wage - Essay Example The minimum wage increases compress the wages distribution. Firms respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment, reducing profits, or raising prices. [1] European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions [2] History of the National Minimum Wage. Employment Matters. United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry Raising the minimum wages increases the cost of government social programs due to assistance programs aiding the laid-off workers. Some also argue that higher minimum wages reduce teenage education levels and decrease workers' long-term earnings. They contradict the benefits of raising the minimum wages and argue that the minimum wage does not reduce poverty and also slows economic growth of the country. Minimum wage increases lead to widespread unemployment, and such an intuitive argument, that society would have to be a pretty bizarre place not to abandon the wrongheaded policy altogether. For those low-wage earners who are members of poor families, will experience severe effects that an increase in the minimum wage will have. Increase in minimum wages will reduces demand for workers through a reduction in the number of jobs. Also it will affect the profit margins of business owners employing minimum wage workers. By raising unemployment and eliminating entry-level jobs, minimum wage hikes also eliminate opportunities for workers to gain valuable experience and skills that prepare them for... The minimum wage has become a hot topic. The arguments for and against a higher minimum wage boil down to whether the Country’s economy should follow a low-road/low-wage or high- road/high-wage growth path. A low-road strategy involves developing an economy based on mass production, with large numbers of workers hired for low-skill jobs at low wages. A high-road strategy involves developing an information-based economy, which would require a flexible workforce with a high level of skills; such workers would, of course, command higher wages. Legislating an increase in the minimum wage would contribute to accomplishing this task. From the social conscious movement, which has been sweeping the newer generations, it is viewed that a higher minimum wage is needed to keep the lower classes living at a comfortable level. Raising the minimum wage is not simply a magic tool to increasing the condition of living for the lower classes in a country; it actually works against that as it br ings down the condition of living even further for those who become unemployed. The free market is a beautiful thing, which balances itself out and rewards each participant with that which they input.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A meeting with the security auditor of your firm Essay

A meeting with the security auditor of your firm - Essay Example It is every customers concern to visit and work with an e commerce website that guarantees privacy and confidentiality of the data they feed to the websites (Ghosh 2001). Several site security aspects are of great importance in the safeguarding of customers confidential information. Notably, privacy or confidentiality is the most major concern of every online business transaction. In consideration of the emerging limitations, flaws and risks being posed by current state of internet technologies, a great mistrust and confusion is ranging from the customers engaging in e-commerce. This e-commerce website values this key concern to foster the trust of our customers to our business platform. In view of this the website is designed to safeguard the information given by the consumers of our services and goods away from unauthorized parties. Several measures have been taken to ensure the above endeavor is met. A minimum of six character password has provided with an encryption mode to protect against hacking. Though the transactions are carried out in a public key infrastructure, only the authorized recipient has a private key to access the encrypted data. More over high secrecy will be exercised to secure the private keys from being manipulated by unauthorized persons (Ghosh 2001). Authentication of a customer’s data is another significant aspect which has been considered to secure our online customers. We note the extensive threats being posed to e-commerce through SQL Injection and the Cross-site scripting. These are the major applications being used by cyber crime enthusiasts to enhance vulnerability of e-commerce sites. Objectively, Secure Socket Layer certificate has been installed in the website to ensure the security of all financial information entered by the clients. It is a common issue that the clients will need to use their debit cards, credit cards, pay pal and other payments methods which leaves traces of their vital and personal

Monday, November 18, 2019

Japanese history - The Meiji Restoration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Japanese history - The Meiji Restoration - Essay Example These Samurai were motivated by the current state of the country including threat of encroachment from foreigners and emergent domestic problems. They adopted the fukoku-kyohei slogan (â€Å"Wealthy country and strong arms†) and pursued after creating a nation-state that could stand equal among the Western powers. The new government, as deduced from the 1868 Charter Oath, sought to dismantle the aged feudal regime (Devine, 51). In mid-1870s, restoration leaders, acting under the Emperor’s name, faced such steep opposition in carrying out the restoration changes. SaigÃ…  Takamori lead the famous disgruntled samurai in rebelling against the government which were later, with great difficulty, repressed by the formed army and in 1880’s, peasants who had grown distrustful of the newly formed regiment, joined in the revolts bringing it to its peak. This turmoil was halfway dissolved by s call from a Rights movement that was gaining popularity although it was mainly influenced by liberal western ideas. They advocated the formation of a constitutionally-based government with deliberative assemblies (Devine, 54). In 1881, the government responded by issuing a statement that promised a constitution by year 1890 and in 1886, constitution formation started after the formation of a cabinet system in 1885. By year 1889, a constitution was promulgated to the people as a gift from Meiji Social and economic changes were concurrent with the political changes that were already taking place during this era. Agriculture was the primary drive for the economy of Japan (Schirokauer, Lurie, and Gay). However, the Meiji government was working towards industrialization and hence directed developments in communications, transportation and strategic industries. Railroads were built, telegraphs linking all the main cities and private sectors received government support thru funds and European-like banking system. They relied on and heavily promoted western technology and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Review of a Construction Company

Review of a Construction Company Introduction Construction industry has developed rapidly in last few dictates. Today it becomes very essential for a country for its development. It spreads from the small to the large scale construction. The most obvious thing about the construction Industry is that its products are exceedingly expensive and have a long run tendency to increase in price faster than most other goods and services. This report is presented as a means of summarizing the three different size of construction business organization (Small, Medium, and Large). Also consideration is given on introductions of organizations, explaining company background and business control procedure. ICTAD grading of the organization Specialty Grade Financial Limit (Rs. Million) Building Construction Highways Bridge Water Supply Drainage Irrigation Land Drainage Dredging Reclamation Storm Water Drainage Groynes Revetments Reclamation C1 X ≠¥ 600 C2 600 ≠¥ X > 300 C3 300 ≠¥ X > 150 C4 150 ≠¥ X > 50 C5 50 ≠¥ X > 25 C6 25 ≠¥ X > 10 C7 10 ≠¥ X > 05 C8 05 ≠¥ X > 02 C9 02 ≠¥ X C10 01 ≠¥ X (ICTAD 2008) Large Size of construction State Engineering Corporation State Engineering Corporation is one of the superb consultancy services considering the Sri Lankan construction industry. It was established in 1962 with the name of â€Å"Engineering Corporation†. By the end of 1962 name was changed as â€Å"Sri Lanka State Corporation† and currently it is known as State Engineering Corporation. This is semi government establishment, because of that most of the state project handled by this organization and also it has good reputation and popularity due to its grateful services on construction project to the client in all over the country. The head office has located No: 130, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo-02. Service provider by State Engineering corporations The Organization consists of seven main sections. Since then, it’s capability in the latest techniques of design and construction has equipped in to handle any type of construction work. Under this field, they mainly carry out following activities. Design and construction of buildings Foundation and piling works Supply installation of water supply, drainage and sewerage systems Contracting foundations for towers and erecting towers Civil engineering construction including highways, bridges, water supply projects and irrigation projects Provision of construction management services Landscaping real estate development Construction Components Consultancy Human Resource Administration Finance Division Internal Audit Division Construction, Construction Components, Consultancy and Mechanical Electrical section under profit obtained category and other Human Resource Administration, Finance Division and Internal Audit Division under public benefit category. Machine and Equipment: There are machines and equipment’s in every site which belong to State Engineering corporations. State Engineering Corporation has the financial strength to purchase what they want in construction sites. And also most of the offices are fully equipped with photo copiers, fax machines, telephones, computers etc. Reputation: State engineering corporations has gained a sound reputation over Sri Lankan society and the government. Therefore currently the government contracts and private contracts are awarded. Facilities: State Engineering corporations has extensive in-house computer facilities, an excellent technical laboratory, a well-managed stock of survey and drawing instruments, geological and soil investigation laboratories and a large fleet of vehicles to provide construction services on major engineering projects in any part of the country. They have their own batching plant and Machineries to handle any kind of job. Construction group The Construction group has two divisions. They are contracts estimation and construction division. First division is mainly handling pricing BOQ and tendering process. Second division is performing after getting the contract. It carries out all types of heavy and light civil Engineering construction and building construction work for state and private sector. Consultancy group The Consultancy group is providing a complete Consultancy services such as Architecture, civil, structural, Electrical Mechanical and quantity surveying. Organization Structure Management Style The administration of State Engineering Corporation is directly under the ministry of housing construction. There are one GM, one assistance GM, and six DGM, under control of MD and well qualified staff. This is a decentralized organization. The objective of decentralization is not only to improve the efficiency of the group, but also to furnish a sense of belonging even to non-technical staff to strive towards the wellbeing of the group. The organization structure is given in annex 1. The organization mission is to continuously advance their position of leading civil Engineering construction in the country and to build a reputation for quality speed, efficiency and reliability. To achieve their mission they are having following polices. Maintain the budgeted turnover Execute all project within time Optimize return on capital Performance of the Organization Planning, Investigation, design and construction of industrial and engineering project in public sector and with the approval of minister in private sector. Functioning as consultant to state corporations and government department for pre mentioned works. Carrying out research with a view to improving existing construction materials and techniques and methods. Training of architect, engineering, quantity surveyors and others technical staffs necessary for carrying out the construction of industrial and engineering projects. Quantity Surveying Section State Engineering Corporation consists of a separate Quantity Surveying department through it providing Quantity Surveying services. The Quantity Surveying department is mutually functioning with other section. In QS section there are 35 members work together. The chief QS as head of the section senior QS project QS are working under head. The chief QS have the authority of making decision within that field. SEC renders professional services in a Quantity Surveyor’s capacity both in pre contract and post contract stages. The SEC is one of the leading consultancy organizations in the construction Industry. Most of the time projects are obtaining because of the goodwill of the organization past performance in handling of large number of projects. In accordance with the management point of view synergy concept creates the high efficiency. So the team work is the main concept of this firm. For the concept good relationship between subordinates are very important. SEC firm there is better relationship between subordinates. State Engineering Corporation is a semi government firm and a formal organization. So the decision is coming from top level managers. Because of its higher hierarchy level, the command tasks long time to reach the bottom level of management and works. This is not an avoidable problem in a formal organization, but if top level managers and low level managers have a communication as informal they can minimize this problem. (State Engineering Corporation of Sri Lanka) Medium Size of Construction Company RN Construction The RN Constructions (Pvt) Ltd was established in 1996 and within those eight years of time it has become one of the leading contractor organizations in the Sri Lankan construction industry today. It has completed more than 150 buildings (over 3,000,000 sq.ft.) within last eight years. RN Constructions has acquired excellence in building constructions such as, Factory buildings Ware house buildings Commercial buildings Housing projects Manufacturing plants and Processing Units RN has been in a powerful position of strength, i.e., it has got a group of professionally qualified, experienced in-house staff members are possessed of the high and medium class of specialized technical positions. Also it has been equipped with large no of construction equipment, machinery and tools.  (RN Construction) Organization Structure of RN Construction Management structure of RN construction denotes simply a matrix structure and it is flat in its nature where trend toward an average number of layers as well as responsibilities are with non-management employees. The next important feature is its narrow span of control. Today it is believed such an organization design like this is more suitable to facilitate the achievements of corporate objectives and implementation of strategies. The organization structure is given in annex 2. RN construction is a recently established organization which building up a good reputation for quality outputs in the industry when compared to the other organization at its own capacity. When considering the organizational structure, it is more applicable to the organization because there is a good relationship between higher level of management and the employees at the middle and lower levels of management. It helps to motivate the employees on their works and to develop the loyalty to the organization as well. That is distinctive advantage to the organization to carry out the missions while achieving their goals in the Sri Lankan construction industry. When looking at the organization one weakness that I have identified was that lot of pants and machineries were not properly managed among each work site. Hence RN Constructions owns large no of machineries, it is an advantage to the organization to earn higher profits during the construction. But I have noticed that most of the machineries were idling at the work site without generating any output to the construction process. This will be directly affects to reduce their extra profit earnings in the long run. Therefore it is better to have a proper resource management on this area to minimize the idling and to maximize the profits in every work output. Small size of construction Company Prasadhi construction Prasadhi construction is among the most respected construction companies in the country. This construction design, finance, built and operates infrastructure and facilities with highest quality, speed and care in a sustainable manner in the most economical way. Prasadhi Construction has shown ability to complete his job no matter how big, how complex or how remote the project, Prasadhi Construction have proven competency over last 25 years. Professional Staff As an emerging company we provide more than 50 jobs including civil electrical engineers, technical officers, supervisors,Masons. Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, Welders, Tillers, Aluminum Fabricators Wefacilitate training programs for our employees. They are being encouragedfor higher education while working in the company. Achievements Prasadhi Construction has been rewarded as the best construction company in southern province in the year of 2006. At present we have C5 grade and our strategic plans are made to achieve C1 in building construction in 2020. Financial Capability 20 Million Permanent O.D. facility Equipment We are not encouraged to maintain a maintenance department. So in most of the cases we prefer to hire vehicles from our suppliers. But some necessary equipment such as Tipper, road roller, Concrete Mixer, Concrete Vibrator, welding plants, generators, water motors are there. Organization Structure One of most important aspect of any organization is its management structure. Prsadhi’s management structure is considerably focused on to a modern hierarchical power delegation. The above-mentioned structure consists of 7 Board of Directors including the Chairman. Prasadhi management structure forms a matrix structure and it consists of a centralized and formal authority and wide span of control. Reference to the organizational structure – (Annex-03) Competition in the construction industry often results in low profit margins. Also called long-term assets, these are holdings the business intends to keep for at least a year and that typically yield interest or dividends. Included are stocks, bonds and savings accounts earmarked for special purposes. (Jinnett 1990) Conclusion This report is based on investigate three different size of construction business organization. The constructions Professional are the parties that responsible for constructing the project. In traditional management where the owner, design professional, and contractors are separate companies, the contractor would be termed a prime contractor. The prime contractor is responsible for delivering a complete project in accordance with the contract documents. The matrix organizational structure adopted by most kind of construction head office can be regarded as the most suitable structure, when considering the scope nature of projects carried out. But the gap between the top management and employees at middle and lower levels is one of the main drawbacks observed in the site organization structure. Lack of communication in between management levels had given rise to distrust and disbelief among employees. References ICTAD. (2008). [online]. Last accessed 04 March 2014 at: [online]. Last accessed 02 March 2014 at: [online]. Last accessed 25 Feb 2014 at: JINNETT, Linda Pinson and Jerry (1990). BUSINESS PLAN FOR THE. Management and Planning Series,

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

In Great Expectations, Is Miss Havisham crazy and/or evil? Essay

In Great Expectations, Is Miss Havisham crazy and/or evil? The mad,eccentric and incredibly peculiar Miss Havisham,a wealthy dowager who lives in an old, rotting mansion secluded from the outside world is certainly one of the most memorable creations in the book Great Expectations written by Charles Dickens. From the first introductory scene on encountering Miss Havisham’s character it is immediately clear that she is supposed to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Dickens uses a vast variety of imagery and word choice to describe the appearance of the house in which Miss Havisham lives . Satis house,as it was called, emits an ominous presence with its old brick walled up windows and many iron bars.This gives the sense that outsiders where not entirely welcome and rarely visited. The room in which she sat was vividly described as dark with â€Å"no glimpse of daylight.. to be seen† and furnished with many old and unrecognisable objects .The vivid setting is emphasised by the young boy,Pip, who narrates this entire experience and describes Miss Havisham at first as â€Å"the strangest lady I have ever seen or shall ever see.†. The cause or her peculiarity? A single, tragic event which was to take over Miss Havishams life for ever.Her life is defined by the jilting of her fiancà ©e and lover Compeyson and from that moment forth her world has been one based around heartbreak and betrayel thus, casting herself away from the realms of reality. From the exact moment in time when she first learnt Compeyson was gone, the old woman stopped all the clocks from ticking and fixed them at twenty minutes to nine. This links into her somewhat dishevelled appearance at a first glance for only one shoe was upon her f... ...her parting from her†. In conclusion Miss Havisham was neither crazy, nor was she evil. She was mentally ill, driven to insanity with love and pain, with nobody to care for her. She was a confused lady, with nowhere to turn; therefore, she created her own fictional world where nothing changed and her own experience of emotional betrayal cast a prolonging shadow over her entire life. Dickens illustrates the fact that interpersonal and family relationships are forever changing, as remaining still only leads to tragedy. Her character draws in the reader as her peculiarity is mysterious, interesting and somewhat chilling as she is just that little bit different. Charles Dickens uses an exceptionally vast amount of word choice and word imagery to give us this unforgettable impression of one of the most memorable characters ever created in English literature.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Building Codes for the Fire Services

In the recent Charleston, South Carolina furniture warehouse fire, nine firefighters perished apparently by compromised and structural collapse of the building’s roof. Every year, fire related accidents caused by building collapse; flashover and deadly smoke have been the leading causes of injuries or deaths of firefighters all over the United States (Dunn, 2007). Most tragic was the World Trade Center Twin Towers’ collapse where 343 members of the Fire Department City of New York (FDNY) perished died fifty-six minutes after the attacks (Fema’s US Fire Administration, 2002).The building officials, fire department, architects and engineers did not anticipate that such an attack could happen in American soil. In the light of these developments, the public called for a review of all existing building and fire codes in the country. Dunn (2007) enumerated three most deadly situations in firefighting history where the ten-year study of the National Fire Protection Asso ciation indicated them as the main causes of injuries and fatalities of firefighters. They are collapse, flame spread and smoke.â€Å"The most common types of collapse that have injured and killed many in the line of duty were floor collapse, roof collapse, wall collapse and ceiling collapse† (Dunn 2007). It is imperative that firefighters have the basic knowledge on the behavior of buildings while being engulfed in flames. What they know could save their lives when they take the risk of controlling the situation. It is also important to look back at previous strategies on how buildings were deemed â€Å"fire proofed† and considered safe at all times.To avoid a repeat of the tragic incidents, regulatory bodies, engineers, the academe and other professionals pit their wits and talents to ensure building safety standards are met. It is undeniable that some of the codes have become obsolete with the introduction of new building construction technologies. The Need to Overh aul Existing Codes Traditionally, the safety of buildings has been regulated by codes all over the country.Since the 1800’s the safety of buildings had been mandated by these codes and they include the use of â€Å"fire resistive materials, compartmentation features, and later, installation of automatic sprinkler systems and automatic fire alarm systems. † (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 619). All of these prescriptions were intended to ensure building safety even in the event of a fire. These also purported to make tall buildings safer. These had worked well under hazardous circumstances but were tested when the 9/11 attacks occurred.Codes across the United States are also moving towards performance measures in addition to the time-tested prescriptions of the codes (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 619). In New York City, for example, Mayor Bloomberg called for a review of the existing codes that had been in force since 1968 to conform to contemporary needs. New York ha s four construction codes namely the Building Code, Fuel Gas, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes (New New York City Construction Codes, n. d. , p. 1). The City government was caught flatfooted with an outdated construction code when the 9/11 attacks struck.The amendments to the code include the adoption of the International Building Code (IBC) format, placing safety as a priority and preserving some elements of the existing codes while enhancing the â€Å"requirements for fire protection, construction safety, and structural integrity requirements for new buildings. † (New New York City Construction Codes, n. d. , p. 1) Moore (n. d. ) defined building codes as â€Å"extratechnological laws that govern the design and construction of structures. † (p. 262). The codes follow the dictates social and ethical mores where the protection of life and property is a priority.It also traces its roots in the Hammurabi code where a builder was held responsible for a collapsed house that k illed its occupants and applying the lex talionis principle of justice (p. 262). Codes also had grown out of the necessity to adhere to insurance regulations. Protection goals include all the contents of a building or warehouse that were insured. Failure to mitigate the risk like loss to fire would mean economic repercussions for the community or state (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 625).Code prescriptions until the 1940’s prescribed a fire resistive building as steel framed or buildings that had â€Å"skeletal framework of steel columns and beams which supported the actual weight of the structure and its contents. † (Portolan, n. d. ) The structural elements were fireproofed or encased in concrete or tile (Portolan, n. d. ) In the 1920’s, the codes also regulated the heights of buildings where height limitations had a direct relationship to the construction methods employed (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p. 626).Each state though had its interpretation and regul ations concerning construction practices. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) proposed a performance based approach to tall building designs with the hope the building designs and construction methodologies respond to the need for safer buildings. The NFPA outlined six goals to performance based building design. They include: Life Safety of Building Occupants; Property/Contents Protection; Mission Continuity; Environmental Consequence of Fire; Heritage/Cultural Preservation; and Fire Suppression Personnel Safety (Solomon and Hagglund, 2001, p.632). However, not all directives and codes today follow the suggestions of NFPA. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) developed their standards specifically aimed at protecting both firefighters and civilians from fire-related injuries. Some of the standards relevant to the construction industry include NFPA 5000 (Building Construction and Safety Code); â€Å"NFPA 13 (Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems); NFPA 501 (Standard on Manufactured Housing) (NIOSH, 2005, p. 3).According to NIOSH (2005)†, while there are existing standard tests like ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) that govern the safety measures in building materials and construction methodologies, these do not take into consideration real situations involving actual conflagrations and how fires would impact on the structural integrity of the structures (p. 4). NIOSH (2005) also pointed out that existing building codes enforced in various states were not designed specifically to protect firefighters.The design focus was on evacuation procedures and how occupants in the building could escape to safety once an unfortunate event occurred (p. 4). With the new reality that unfolded post-9/11, existing building codes must be reviewed for and in consideration of the risks involved when disasters strike. Basic Knowledge on Structural Behaviors of Buildings Accord ing to Portolan (n. d. (b)), there are five elements of a building that the firefighters need to consider when evaluating how buildings will behave in case of fire and which strategies to use to contain the problem.They include: the type of construction, size of the building, age of the construction, renovation and occupancy. These are essential information that firefighters can use to plan their course of actions. In addition, knowledge on the behavior of the different structural elements of the building is also imperative. Structural loading creates different stresses on the structures and they may occur separately or in combination. The stresses include compression, tensile and shear stresses (Portolan, n. d (b). ). Compression acts when materials are pressed against each other.Tensile stresses happen when the structural elements are pulled in two different directions. Shear stresses cause materials to fracture and slide across the defect in the opposite direction (Portolan, n. d (b). ). Structural elements of the building are subjected to different loads. Columns are commonly subjected to axial loads. Eccentric loads are directed along a parallel axis to the longitudinal section of the structural member and are off-centered. Torsion loads can cause twisting in the structural elements (Portolan, n. d (b).) Aside from the stresses, the firefighters also need to consider which part of the structures are vulnerable or the structural integrity had been compromised because of the fire. When steel beams are subjected to unusually high temperature, the structural member may expand and elongate. If both ends are tightly secured, torsion stresses may cause twisting in beams (Portolan, n. d. (b)). Columns carry the greatest axial loads. The more slender the column, the more it is susceptible to buckling. When axial loads shift to eccentric or torsion loads, it could also be a cause of failure (Portolan, n. d. (b)).About 60% of the buildings in the United States use t he truss system for roofs (NIOSH, 2005, p. 1). Most of the truss systems were made of wood materials. Recent innovation introduced lighter construction materials for truss systems including steel and lighter weight materials intended to accommodate wider spans. Under normal conditions, these engineered materials may perform well. However, when fire occurs, they may be weakened and compromised causing the collapse of roof and floor systems (p. 1). Types of Building Collapses Due to Fire Collapse patterns are different for each element of the building.Walls often collapse in a 90-degree angle. These walls are often constructed using reinforced masonry. Curtain wall collapse occurs when the outer veneer becomes disconnected and they fall straight down to the base of the wall. This type of collapse is also exhibited by unreinforced walls. Inward or outward collapse may also occur if the wall is breached or at areas where it is considerably weaker like door or window openings (Portolan, n. d. (b)). Truss systems of roof and floor often cave-in as their structural integrities were affected by conflagration. Steel trusses are also susceptible to expansion and torsion stresses.Often, firefighters used visual indicators to predict an impending collapse. But these were not enough to prevent accidents from happening. NIOSH (2005) listed three conditions where truss collapse occurs. First, when a firefighter works on the roof top of the burning building, chances of a cave-in is extremely high because the hidden structural members of the truss system had already been subjected to extreme temperatures thereby weakening them. Second, firefighters working inside the burning structure are also subjected to the risk of the entire roof falling onto them.Finally, failed truss systems can precipitate other parts of the structure to collapse like walls (p. 4). Another type of collapse usually found in tall structures is referred to as progressive collapse. Nair (2004) defined progr essive collapse as â€Å"collapse of all or a large part of a structure precipitated by failure or damage of a relatively small part of it. † (p. 1) This theory was used in part to explain why the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed. Conclusion Knowing how structural members behave during fire would mitigate the risk factors and prevent injuries and deaths.Part of the training of firefighters is knowing how to evaluate the condition of the burning edifice before going in and making a plan of action. The different studies on the behavior of buildings on fire proved to be valuable to firefighters. The recent events had also made regulating bodies review their out-dated Codes. Existing building codes do not include the protection of firefighters in the event of fire. The NFPA and the IBC remedied that deficiency. However, code changes were also met with opposition. Building codes were primarily implemented with economic considerations in mind.It would pro ve to be more costly for the building owner if NFPA or IBC was followed. According to Gips (2005), of the various proposals for change in the Codes, only one was acceptable and included in the IBC. It concerned the fire-resistance ratings of buildings of 420 feet or higher. The new code required a â€Å"minimum three-hour structural fire-resistance rating, whether sprinklers are present or not. † (p. 42+). Other provisions that would make it safer for both firefighters and occupants need more work. References Dunn, V. (2007). Dunn's Dispatch: 9 firefighters die fighting fire in South Carolina furniture storeroom fire.Retrieved 26 June 2007 from: http://cms. firehouse. com/content/article/article. jsp? sectionId=14&id=55205 FEMA’s US Fire Administration (2002). USA releases preliminary firefighter fatality statistics for 2001. Retrieved 26 June 2007 from: http://mcftoa. org/Deathstats1. htm Gips, M. A. (2005, March). The Challenge of Making Safer Structures: Three and a Half Years after 9-11, Building Codes Are Just Starting to Reflect Lessons Learned from the World Trade Center Collapse. Security Management, 49, 42+. Retrieved June 27, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5008988697 Moore, S. A. (n. d.) Building Codes in Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics, 262-266 Retrieved 26 June 2007 from: http://soa. utexas. edu/faculty/moore/selectpub/enc_buildingcodes. pdf Nair, R. S. (2004) Progressive collapse basics. Retrieved 27 June 2007 from: http://www. aisc. org/Content/ContentGroups/Documents/Selected_Nair/nairhotlink2. pdf New New York City Construction Codes (n. d. ) Retrieved 26 June 2007 from: http://nyc. gov/html/dob/downloads/pdf/cons_code_faqs. pdf NIOSH (2005) Preventing injuries or deaths of firefighters due to truss system failures. Retrieved 27 June 2007 from: http://www. cdc. gov/niosh/docs/2005-132/pdfs/2005-132.pdf Portolan, C. (n. d. ) Building Construction –Special situations Retrie ved 27 June 2007 from: http://www. lbfdtraining. com/Pages/buildingconstruction/specialsituations. html Portolan, C. (n. d. (b)) Glossary of building construction terminology Retrieved 27 June 2007 from: http://www. lbfdtraining. com/Pages/buildingconstruction/bconstructintro. html Solomon, R. E. and Hagglund, B. (2001) Performance code requirements in the tall building environment in Tall buildings and urban habitat: Cities in the third millennium. Council On Tall Buildings And Urban Habitat – orgname. New York: Spon Press, 619-634.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Treated Like Dirt ( To Kill A Mockingbird Prejudice)

Treated Like Dirt ( To Kill A Mockingbird Prejudice) Treated Like Dirt Prejudice caused endless pain and suffering for many people since the beginning of civilization. Slavery and the Holocaust are among the many examples of prejudice throughout history. In the early 1900's, Racism was an accepted attitude in the Southern United States; consequently, many lives were hurt, and even lost. Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, based in the Southern United States, was filled with many examples of prejudice. The town of Maycomb consisted of three outstanding social groups that affected the prejudice in the town: the colored people were scapegoats treated with prejudice; the racist majority looked down on the other groups; and the anti-prejudice group strove to keep the peace.The colored people were treated with prejudice because of their racial diversity in the small predominantly white town of Maycomb. "Niggers," as the blacks were called, were looked upon as inferior beings and no matter their class, were always considered to be at t he very bottom of the social scale.Film producer Alan J. Pakula with Lee; Lee spent t...Aunt Alexandra treated Calpurnia with prejudice because in her eyes, Calpurnia was not a good enough role model for Scout (p.136). Aunt Alexandra did not look for the personality of Calpurnia or the positive influence that she had on the children when making her assumption; instead, all Aunt Alexandra saw was the dark color of Calpurnia's skin.Another example of prejudice towards Calpurnia was when she walked up to the front door of a house, which was not permitted for a colored person to do, and Scout said "She's supposed to go around in back," (p.94). Calpurnia did not even hear the comment so she was not insulted, but it just goes to show the prejudice thinking that innocent people can have in Maycomb without even knowing it.The verdict of the Tom...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition and Examples of Constructed Languages

Definition and Examples of Constructed Languages Definition A constructed language is a  languagesuch as Esperanto,  Klingon, and Dothrakithat has been consciously created by an individual or group. A person who creates a language is known as a conlanger. The term constructed language was coined by linguist Otto Jespersen in An International Language, 1928. Also known as a  conlang, planned language, glossopoeia, artificial language, auxiliary language, and ideal language. The grammar, phonology, and vocabulary of a constructed (or planned) language may be derived from one or more natural languages or created from scratch. In terms of the number of speakers of a constructed language, the most successful is Esperanto, created in the late-19th century by Polish ophthalmologist L. L. Zamenhof. According to the Guinness Book of World Records (2006), the worlds largest fictional language is Klingon (the  constructed language  spoken by the Klingons  in the  Star Trek  movies, books, and television programs). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Anti-LanguageBasic EnglishLingua FrancaWhat Is Language?Where Does Language Come From? Examples and Observations A standard international language should not only be simple, regular, and logical, but also rich and creative. Richness is a difficult and subjective concept. . . . The supposed inferiority of a constructed language to a national one on the score of richness of connotation is, of course, no criticism of the idea of a constructed language. All that the criticism means is that the constructed language has not been in long-continued use.(Edward Sapir, The Function of an International Auxiliary Language. Psyche, 1931)The traditional hypothesis has been that because a constructed language is the language of no nation or ethnic group, it would be free of the political problems that all natural languages bring with them. Esperanto materials frequently claim (incorrectly) that this is true of Esperanto. A distinction is usually made between auxiliary languages (auxlangs), designed with international communication as a deliberate goal, and conlangs, usually constructed for other purposes. (Th e Elvish languages showcased by Tolkein in his epic Lord of the Rings and the Klingon language constructed by linguist Mark Okrand for the Star Trek television series are conlangs rather than auxlangs.)(Suzette Haden Elgin, The Language Imperative. Basic Books, 2000) Attitudes Toward Esperanto- As of 2004, the number of speakers of Esperanto is unknown, but variously estimated as between one or two hundred thousand and several million. . . .It   must be emphasized that Esperanto is a real language, both spoken and written, successfully used as a means of communication between people who have no other common language. . . .The traditional aim of the Esperanto movement is the adoption of Esperanto as the L2 [second language] for all mankind.(J.C. Wells, Esperanto.  Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World, ed. by Keith Brown and Sarah Ogilvie. Elsevier, 2009)- There is little doubt that, foremost among constructed languages though it is, Esperanto has notparticularly in recent timescaptured a sufficient amount of general attention to become the functioning worldwide auxiliary its proponents wish. One rough distinction seems to be between those who, while not necessarily wholly unsympathetic to the idea of constructed languages, neverthel ess perceive fatal flaws, and those who see Esperantists (and other constructed-language apologists) more or less as cranks and faddists.(John Edwards and Lynn MacPherson, View of Constructed Languages, With Special Reference to Esperanto: An Experimental Study. Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Language, ed. by Humphrey Tonkin. University Press of America, 1997) The Klingon Language- Klingon  is a  constructed language  tied to a fictional context,  rather than a constructed language like Esperanto . . . or a reconstructed one like Modern Hebrew . . . intended for use among speakers in everyday circumstances. . . .Klingon is a language devised for the Klingons, a fictional race of humanoids sometimes allied with but more often in conflict with members of the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek movies, television programmes, video games, and novels.(Michael Adams,  From Elvish to Klingon: Exploring Invented Languages. Oxford University Press, 2011)- [T]he first thing to say about the Klingon language is that it is a language. It has nouns and verbs, the nouns distributed syntactically as subjects and objects. Its particular distribution of constituents is extremely rare but not unheard of on Earth.(David Samuels, Alien Tongues.  E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces, ed. by  Debbora Battaglia. Duke University Press, 2 005) The Dothraki Language Created for HBO’s Game Of ThronesMy goal, from the very beginning, was to create a language that looked and felt like the small number of snippets present in the books. There wasn’t much to work with (about 30 words, most of them namesand male names, at that), but there was enough to suggest the beginnings of a grammar (for example, there is strong evidence of noun-adjective order, as opposed to the adjective-noun order found in English). . . .After I settled on a sound system, I extrapolated a morphological system. Some elements had to be maintained (for example, in the books, we see dothraki for the people [plural], Vaes Dothrak for the Dothraki city, and dothrae meaning rides. This suggests that /-k/, /-i/ and /-e/ are somehow involved in the paradigm for the stem dothra-), but for the most part, I was free to run wild. After I had a fairly stable morphology (verbal paradigm, case paradigm, and derivational morphology, in particular), I se t to work on the best part: creating vocabulary.(David J. Peterson, interviewed by Dave Banks in Creating Language for HBO’s Game Of Thrones. GeekDad blog at, Aug. 25, 2010) The Lighter Side of Constructed LanguagesI speak Esperanto like a native.(Spike Milligan)

Monday, November 4, 2019

MGT499 Mod 1 Case - Harley Davidson Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MGT499 Mod 1 Case - Harley Davidson - Coursework Example I believe to a very large degree that indeed the company Harley Davidson is currently proceeding towards its Mission, Vision and values. Given the threats the company has managed to survive quite a number of cares and threats that have come along its way over the years, I believe that the contemporary days are no different. The company has managed to trend over numerous threats over the years in the motorcycling industry. One of the hugest threats was posed by the introduction of the assembling mode of production by Henry Ford in the US. This produced at a very first and effective rate that Harley Davidson found very hard to cope with. It however braced itself and rose to the occasion. At the end of the day, the firm managed to pull through the ordeal. Harley Davidson is currently venturing very strongly in internet marketing. It has put a lot of effort and dedication towards meeting clients on the internet and making big its sells through the exploitation of internet options. This i s squarely in line with the well laid out missions, visions and values that it steadfastly holds. By increasing its market share through the internet, the firm is poised to make it big in the industry. It shall with no doubt manage to survive all the imminent threats that are posed on it. It shall also manage to survive much longer in the market without faltering or succumbing to pressure through achieving its visions, missions and values. One of the major missions of the company Harley Davidson is cost reductions. The company strives towards obtaining the most economical modes of production which demand less investment to be able to pull through. This shall go a long way in ensuring that the company is able to beat its competition effectively in the market and shall also see to it that it survives in the market for much longer. Another mission of the company is to provide sustainable and reliable motorbikes to the world. It has managed to stretch its throngs though out the expanse of the US and it aim at making it throughout the globe. The vision of the firm is to be a hub of innovation. It envisions itself innovating new technologies that can conquer the market. This is geared towards saving the world from motorbike accidents and increasing cruising powers, speeds and efficiency of the motorbikes. This shall be essential in eliminating any detriments and keeping the prospects of the company alive for much longer. The company also envisions itself producing at much faster speeds than the current rate of production. There comes some times when there is limited supply in the market and the production speed shall come in handy. The missions, visions and values of Harley Davidson ogre well with the stakeholders of the firm. The reduction in the costs of production means that the consumers shall be able to have their beloved products delivered at a very limited price. Another advantage to the stakeholders is the fact that by increased rates of production, the comp any shall be able to meet the required supply and hence shall not lose the any clients to the competition in the market. Through this, the firm shall be sustained for long. This shall offer security to the employees as well as to the shareholders right onto the firm. Through innovation, the firm shall not only be able to beat the competition in the market, it shall also be able to provide sustainable motorcycling products to the consumers. It shall live much longer in the market and be fruitful to both the employees and the shareholders.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ethics from the dark side PowerPoint Presentation

Ethics from the dark side - PowerPoint Presentation Example ext slide of the PowerPoint explains why people make unethical decisions; it thus, identifies two fundamental factors vis-Ã  -vis individual factors such as the social-economic status of a person and the unique environment such as the workplace as the bottom line influencers. In the following slides the PowerPoint examines the different groups of the factors, which influences individuals to behave unethically, collectively called the psychological traps. It examines such traps as the primary, defensive and personality. Moreover, the PowerPoint examines the various factors enlisted by the Ethics Professional, the Society of Corporate Compliance as the other causes of unethical behaviour. These include the need, opportunity and rationalisation. However, under the rationalisation element the PowerPoint enlists the various rationalisation people give for acting unethically such as the golden generalisation, ethics of surrender, they are just as bad excuse, consequentialism, and the tit for tat excuse. The remaining slides of the PowerPoint explores the different techniques that leaders and managers can employ to manage the aforementioned unethical decisions in their different

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing Plan for ServiKali - Start up business Thesis

Marketing Plan for ServiKali - Start up business - Thesis Example This unique service shall target people who are settled abroad from Columbia and want to send money back home for various purposes. The stratus is that section of people who have their relative and friends settled abroad and stay in distant locations of Columbia. These people also do not have access to the internet or banking services. The paper carries out secondary research analysis for the purpose of this survey. The product and the company are relatively new (Weiner, 2000). Other companies in the business of international money transfer only provide for transfer and delivery of money. ServiKali aims to deliver services instead of money and put the business into a service perspective and give a new niche to its people. The paper makes use of journals, web and books for the purpose of carrying out this research activity. The total size of the market is difficult to estimate but it shall encompass anybody who is in need of foreign remittance and some service associated with this money received. The total population of Columbia is 47.1 million people and the users of this service are spread out but mostly the older generation and those who are distantly located (Tradingeconomics. 2014). It is estimated that about 70% of the country’s population lives on 7% of the land area of Columbia (Tradingeconomics. 2014). The service provided by ServiKali is meant for the 30% distant and rurally located people (Tradingeconomics. 2014). The demand for money transfers is still untapped and stores a huge potential because the market for international money transfers has been restricted with banks alone. New media for international monetary transactions is expected to have a higher demand. The company has an established brand name and consumer acceptance in US. It has to invest largely in marketing efforts to create its brand recognition in Columbia. Also,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Childhood Obesity in America Essay Example for Free

Childhood Obesity in America Essay Ahhh there is nothing better than waking up at noon to the smell of some freshly cooked bacon and a heaping pile of blueberry pancakes. Mom makes them fresh every weekend morning. Usually the bacon and pancakes don’t quite do the trick so the pantry is raided next. At the top of the pantry next to the family size bag of Doritos, which will most likely be consumed later in the night, lays the hardest decision that will have to be made all day long. Which one of these sugary cereals shall be devoured this morning and fill up the rest of this already overstuffed belly? Reese’s Puffs, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Puffs or the tasteless Raisin Bran that Mom and Dad prefer. You can definitely count out the Raisin Bran. Cocoa Puffs it is. After grabbing the largest bowl that could be found in the house, the Cocoa Puffs are smothered in chocolate syrup to make the already chocolate milk even more chocolaty and delicious. After every last puff goes down the hatch it is time to chug the extra chocolaty milk right from the bowl. Now that the belly is completely stuffed it is time for a nap. A nap is necessary after a long night of online gaming on the brand new Xbox 360 that mom bought last week. The other players don’t stand a chance after a week non-stop gaming with a few breaks here and there for the much needed meals and bathroom breaks. After the well- deserved napping session it is back to the big screen. Only this time it is not to play video games because the carpel tunnel is acting up in the left hand again. This time it is to watch the Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives marathon on the Food Network. You just can’t get enough of the food network. But all this talk about food is making the stomach rumble and it is time for lunch. Mom promised that she will take us to the McDonalds that is right down the street if the chores were done. Little brothers are great. After slipping him a whole two dollars, the chores are done in no time and a McDonald’s double quarter pounder with extra cheese is all that is on the brain. The clerk at the counter asked, â€Å"Would you like to Supersize that sir?† After thinking for a  second about the giant container of fries and the bucket of coke the answer was easy, â€Å"Yes, Ma’am!† But why stop there? It is March and all those commercials about the new Shamrock Shake make it nearly unbearable. After a delicious lunch the only thing on the mind on this beautiful Saturday afternoon is getting back to that big screen TV and playing the brand new Call of Duty game. While all the other kids are outside running around pretending to shoot each other, the real action is inside this intense videogame. After an exhausting night, it is time to go to bed with plans for tomorrows day on the mind. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the Un ited States. The article, â€Å"Obesity in America: What’s Leading the Epidemic?† states that nearly one thousand people are killed each day from obesity. Obesity is measured by BMI or Body Mass Index. This measures how much body fat someone has based on their height and how much they weigh. The author, Harvard Men’s Health Watch states that a BMI of twenty five or more qualifies as overweight and a BMI of thirty or more qualifies as obese. About 63% of Americans are considered overweight and about 31% are considered to be obese (Harvard Men’s Health Watch 2012). These numbers are strikingly large. This article only focuses on the adults that are obese in the United States and doesn’t focus much on the children. The children are what America should really be focused on because some day they will make up majority of the population. The most obese child in the world is Jessica Guade who is seven years old and weighs four hundred and eighty two pounds. That is heavier than a majority of people in the entire world. Every single day she drinks ten thousand calories in Coca-Cola and consumes fifteen hamburgers. She can’t even walk and gets around by rolling. How can a parent do this to their child? Are they afraid to say no or do they just not care about their child’s health? This is what the American life is doing to children. These numbers will continue to go up and we will see more children like Jessica if nothing is done about this epidemic. American life is changing and people are adapting to new culture which is making them focus less on their weight and appearance. The main factors that contribute to the obesity outburst are the lack of exercise, watching way too much television, and eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat. With the changes in television and advertising on television, Americans crave things that they see on TV. When you are watching TV you will see countless fast food advertisements where they make the food look so delicious and look like it was prepared in a five star restaurant. This is just one of the many tricks that advertisers use in order to get people to buy their products. The sad part is that most of the time it works. Americans see all of these advertisements on TV and all they want to do is go out and buy it. These days children are watching so much television rather than playing outside. Young children are the main target for some advertisers like McDonalds and Burger King. In all of their commercials they show images of children eating their food and it makes children want to go and get it. Not only are there a lot of commercials about fast foods, but there are commercials about snacks and drinks as well. According to M. Mello in their article, â€Å"Federal Trade Commiss ion Regulation of Food Advertising to Children: Possibilities for a Reinvigorated Role†, a majority of the food and drink advertisements on television are advertising things that are unhealthy for the human body to consume (Mello 2010). The amount of these advertisements is ridiculous and according to this article the FDA has had to start cutting the airing of a lot of them. Not only are the advertisements on TV a problem, but the amount of television that children watch is an even bigger one. These days’ kids would rather stay inside and watch TV and play video games rather than going outside and playing sports like the past generations. The video games of this generation have made it possible for children to virtually play any sport that they want instead of going outside and physically breaking a sweat and playing them. Television has made Americans so much lazier than they used to be. People don’t get out of the house nearly as much as they used too. Instead of going out to the ballpark and watching baseball games, they just go out and buy big screen televisions and sit on their butts and watch them. Children look up to their parents and will adapt these kinds of habits from them. This is a huge reason why children are becoming so obese in America. The amount of television that kids watch and how many video games they play has a direct correlation to the lack of exercise in America these days. To children, a videogame or cartoon show is much more appealing than running around outside and exercising. Also, the developing culture of America as a whole has added to the lack of exercise in Americans.  Technology has simplified nearly every aspect of human life. Rather than walking everywhere like our ancestors did, everyone drives, or takes the bus, or does anything that keeps them from using up their energy and breaking a sweat. As the parents of children are doing this, their children adapt to that lifestyle and in turn they end up doing the same thing and start to live the way that their parents live. In the old days you would see people walking all over the streets, but now that there are automobiles the streets are just lined with traffic. As cities are bec oming more civilized and advanced, there are less and less places for people to work out, and for kids to run around and play outside. In the article, â€Å"Contributions of Built Environment to Childhood Obesity† by, T. Rahman, R.A. Cushing, and R.J. Jackson, it states that the neighborhood the child lives in has a huge impact on their health. For example, if there are bike paths and places to play outside and run around, the child will be more physically active, but if these things aren’t in place, then the child is more prone to stay inside and watch television and gain weight as a result of that (Cushing 2011). While watching television they don’t have to get up to do anything anymore. Remote controls have changed the world. You can change the channel on the television, turn on and off the lights, and answer the phone right from your chair without getting up to do anything. The only thing that people have to get up to do is go and get more food from the fridge. Less and less children are becoming involved in athletics and exercise. Going outside and running around is much less appealing to children then it used to be. Lack of exercise is a huge contributing factor to obesity and children and something needs to be done about it. Fast food is so easy, quick, and convenient. Most Americans live a lifestyle th at is always on the move and always busy. It is very easy for them to turn to fast food and grab a quick meal before they go to work. Not only is it fast and easy, but there are so many fast food restaurants in the United States. In 1970 McDonalds operated close to one thousand establishments; in 2002 nearly thirty-five thousand restaurants were being operated. An estimated two thousand new McDonalds are opened each year. That is the road that most Americans choose rather than trying to sit down and eat a home cooked meal. That goes along with the laziness of Americans. In this article from CBS news â€Å"Fast Food linked to Child Obesity†, it states that â€Å"Every day, nearly one-third of U.S. children  aged 4 to 19 eat fast food, which likely packs on about six extra pounds per child per year and increases the risk of obesity† (CBSNEWS 2010). Fast food is so much faster and easier than going to the grocery store and getting all the ingredients needed to cook a nice healthy meal for your family. Instead most parents resort to the greasy, salty, and fatty foods that fast food establishments have to offer. According to J.Hariss’s article â€Å"Television Viewing and Unhealthy Diet: Implications for Children and Media Interventions†, â€Å"Humans possess an innate preference for sweet, high-fat, and salty foods, and a reluctance to try unfamiliar foods† (Hariss 2011).Although some fast food restaurants offer substitutions like how McDonalds offers apples instead of French fries, most people do not choose these substitutions. People are more concerned about taste then health and to them, greasy salty foods taste better than apples. The only time that children would choose to eat the healthier choice is when their parents are with them. According to M. Stutts in their article, â€Å" Nutrition Information and Childrens Fast Food Menu Choices†, when children go into fast food restaurants alone, they will choose to eat whatever they want regardless of the fat content. When their parents went with them they influenced them to choose the healthier items on the menu (Stutts 2009). The problem with the items on the fast food menus is that they are full of calories. The recommended calorie intake for a thirteen year old child that weighs ninety pounds is about thirteen hundred calories each day. A McDonlad’s cheeseburger happy meal with a low fat milk as a drink has approximately seven hundred calories. That is half of the amount of calories that is needed in one day. On top of that most children th ese days aren’t exercising at all and all of those calories turn straight into fat. Fast food in general is so unhealthy for your body and if it was cut out completely, the number of obese children would be reduced dramatically. There are so many factors that play into why children are becoming so obese, but eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat is the number one reason why they are so obese. Most people in the world worry about the way they look when they look in the mirror. They will do anything to make themselves â€Å"look skinnier† and make themselves look more attractive. Nobody every worries about what is going on inside of their body. Most Americans do not realize that being overweight or obese can have some serious negative health effects  on the body. There are so many aspects of life that are affected by obesity. Your metabolism, health of your muscles, bones, organs, and other parts of your body can be greatly affected when you are at an unhealthy weight. In the article â€Å"Obesity in America: Large Portions, Large Proportions,† the author talks about some of the health risks that are involved with obesity. Some of the health risks are coronary artery disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, many forms of cancer, osteoarthritis, fatty liver, and depression (Large Portions, Large Proportions 2006). Obesity can ultimately lead to a shorter life span from the health risks. It is obvious from this article that there are some major health risks from obesity that can affect your body in a very negative way. It is important that people take care of their bodies so that they can live happy and healthy lifestyles. A huge part of the childhood obesity problem is that the children have no idea what they are doing to their bodies by not exercising and having unhealthy diets. The author of this paper had the opportunity to educate children on the proper nutrition and recommended hours of exercise daily through a service learning project that was completed with the help of a middle school from their hometown. Service learning is defined as â€Å"a method of teaching and learning that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities† (What is Service-Learning, 2008). The author was given the chance to strengthen the community and inform young children about the dangers of obesity. The author did so by creating an informative brochure that the principle of Rosa Parks Middle School Dr. Donna Redmond Jones enjoyed and agreed to hand out to students around the school. The brochures were also made available in the health room where students can just come in and pick one up. In completing the service learning project, the author was able to gain a lot of knowledge on obesity, more importantly the health risks and ways to prevent them. The author also gained the fulfillment that he had informed young students about these risks and was able to benefit the community. The service project was ultimately successful because the author was able to re-teach the knowledge that he had gained from research to the children that the research was about. The information that has been provided in this paper demonstrates how a lack of exercise, watching too much television, and eating too many foods high in calories and fat, has lead to the obesity epidemic that is in America today. The number of obese children in American is an absurd number. Children in America these days don’t worry about their image and their weight as much as they used to. All they are worried about is what TV show they are going to watch next, what video game they are going to play, and what type of fast food they are going to eat today. The idea of going outside and exercising never crosses their mind. If parents gave their children a little motivation to get involved in sports and exercising, the number of obese children in America would decrease substantially. Parents don’t motivate their kids because they are doing the same exact thing as them. Not only are there a lot of obese children in America, but there are an incredible amount of obese adu lts as well. Children are prone to learn from what their parents do and inherit the bad habits that they have. So therefor if a parent is eating fatty foods and sitting around watching TV all day, their children will do the same thing. There are so many health risks that can come from obesity that you would think people would be more worried about it. Do people not pay attention to the warnings and health risks? Do they not really care about the way they look and the negative effects that it can have on the body? The prevalence of technology in America has changed the world greatly. It has made things so much easier, but in turn it has made Americans so much lazier. Everything can be done from a seat on the couch without having to get up at all. Watching too much television, lack of exercise, and eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat are the three biggest factors that play into the amount of obese children these days, but there are a ton of factors that play into why Americans are so overweight. Something needs to be done about this epidemic before we see more serious side effects from obesity. References La Merrill, M., Birnbaum, L. S. (2011). Childhood Obesity and Environmental Chemicals. Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, 78(1), 22-48. doi:10.1002/msj.20229 Anzman, S. L., Rollins, B. Y., Birch, L. L. (2010). Parental influence on childrens early eating environments and obesity risk: implications for prevention. International Journal Of Obesity, 34(7), 1116-1124. doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.43 Harris, J. L., Bargh, J. A. (2009). Television Viewing and Unhealthy Diet: Implications for Children and Media Interventions. Health Communication, 24(7), 660-673. doi:10.1080/10410230903242267 Rahman, T., Cushing, R. A., Jackson, R. J. (2011). Contributions of Built Environment to Childhood Obesity. Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, 78(1), 49-57. doi:10.1002/msj.20235 Stutts, M., Zank, G. M., Smith, K. H., Williams, S. A. (2011). Nutrition Information and Childrens Fast Food Menu Choices. Journal Of Consumer Affairs, 45(1), 52-86. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6606.2010.01192.x Mello, M. M. (2010). Federal Trade Commission Regulation of Food Advertising to Children: Possibilities for a Reinvigorated Role. Journal Of Health Politics, Policy Law, 35(2), 227- 276. doi:10.1215/03616878-2009-051 Obesity in America: Whats driving the epidemic?. (2012). Harvard Mens Health Watch, 16(7), 5-7. Anderson, S. E., Whitaker, R. C. (2010). Household Routines and Obesity in US Preschool-Aged Children. Pediatrics, 125(3), 420-428. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-0417 Obesity in America: large portions, large proportions. (2006). Harvard Mens Health Watch, 10(6), 1-5. Fast Food Linked to Child Obesity. (2009) The Associated Press. CBS News.