Monday, November 4, 2019

MGT499 Mod 1 Case - Harley Davidson Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MGT499 Mod 1 Case - Harley Davidson - Coursework Example I believe to a very large degree that indeed the company Harley Davidson is currently proceeding towards its Mission, Vision and values. Given the threats the company has managed to survive quite a number of cares and threats that have come along its way over the years, I believe that the contemporary days are no different. The company has managed to trend over numerous threats over the years in the motorcycling industry. One of the hugest threats was posed by the introduction of the assembling mode of production by Henry Ford in the US. This produced at a very first and effective rate that Harley Davidson found very hard to cope with. It however braced itself and rose to the occasion. At the end of the day, the firm managed to pull through the ordeal. Harley Davidson is currently venturing very strongly in internet marketing. It has put a lot of effort and dedication towards meeting clients on the internet and making big its sells through the exploitation of internet options. This i s squarely in line with the well laid out missions, visions and values that it steadfastly holds. By increasing its market share through the internet, the firm is poised to make it big in the industry. It shall with no doubt manage to survive all the imminent threats that are posed on it. It shall also manage to survive much longer in the market without faltering or succumbing to pressure through achieving its visions, missions and values. One of the major missions of the company Harley Davidson is cost reductions. The company strives towards obtaining the most economical modes of production which demand less investment to be able to pull through. This shall go a long way in ensuring that the company is able to beat its competition effectively in the market and shall also see to it that it survives in the market for much longer. Another mission of the company is to provide sustainable and reliable motorbikes to the world. It has managed to stretch its throngs though out the expanse of the US and it aim at making it throughout the globe. The vision of the firm is to be a hub of innovation. It envisions itself innovating new technologies that can conquer the market. This is geared towards saving the world from motorbike accidents and increasing cruising powers, speeds and efficiency of the motorbikes. This shall be essential in eliminating any detriments and keeping the prospects of the company alive for much longer. The company also envisions itself producing at much faster speeds than the current rate of production. There comes some times when there is limited supply in the market and the production speed shall come in handy. The missions, visions and values of Harley Davidson ogre well with the stakeholders of the firm. The reduction in the costs of production means that the consumers shall be able to have their beloved products delivered at a very limited price. Another advantage to the stakeholders is the fact that by increased rates of production, the comp any shall be able to meet the required supply and hence shall not lose the any clients to the competition in the market. Through this, the firm shall be sustained for long. This shall offer security to the employees as well as to the shareholders right onto the firm. Through innovation, the firm shall not only be able to beat the competition in the market, it shall also be able to provide sustainable motorcycling products to the consumers. It shall live much longer in the market and be fruitful to both the employees and the shareholders.

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