Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing Plan for ServiKali - Start up business Thesis

Marketing Plan for ServiKali - Start up business - Thesis Example This unique service shall target people who are settled abroad from Columbia and want to send money back home for various purposes. The stratus is that section of people who have their relative and friends settled abroad and stay in distant locations of Columbia. These people also do not have access to the internet or banking services. The paper carries out secondary research analysis for the purpose of this survey. The product and the company are relatively new (Weiner, 2000). Other companies in the business of international money transfer only provide for transfer and delivery of money. ServiKali aims to deliver services instead of money and put the business into a service perspective and give a new niche to its people. The paper makes use of journals, web and books for the purpose of carrying out this research activity. The total size of the market is difficult to estimate but it shall encompass anybody who is in need of foreign remittance and some service associated with this money received. The total population of Columbia is 47.1 million people and the users of this service are spread out but mostly the older generation and those who are distantly located (Tradingeconomics. 2014). It is estimated that about 70% of the country’s population lives on 7% of the land area of Columbia (Tradingeconomics. 2014). The service provided by ServiKali is meant for the 30% distant and rurally located people (Tradingeconomics. 2014). The demand for money transfers is still untapped and stores a huge potential because the market for international money transfers has been restricted with banks alone. New media for international monetary transactions is expected to have a higher demand. The company has an established brand name and consumer acceptance in US. It has to invest largely in marketing efforts to create its brand recognition in Columbia. Also,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Childhood Obesity in America Essay Example for Free

Childhood Obesity in America Essay Ahhh there is nothing better than waking up at noon to the smell of some freshly cooked bacon and a heaping pile of blueberry pancakes. Mom makes them fresh every weekend morning. Usually the bacon and pancakes don’t quite do the trick so the pantry is raided next. At the top of the pantry next to the family size bag of Doritos, which will most likely be consumed later in the night, lays the hardest decision that will have to be made all day long. Which one of these sugary cereals shall be devoured this morning and fill up the rest of this already overstuffed belly? Reese’s Puffs, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Puffs or the tasteless Raisin Bran that Mom and Dad prefer. You can definitely count out the Raisin Bran. Cocoa Puffs it is. After grabbing the largest bowl that could be found in the house, the Cocoa Puffs are smothered in chocolate syrup to make the already chocolate milk even more chocolaty and delicious. After every last puff goes down the hatch it is time to chug the extra chocolaty milk right from the bowl. Now that the belly is completely stuffed it is time for a nap. A nap is necessary after a long night of online gaming on the brand new Xbox 360 that mom bought last week. The other players don’t stand a chance after a week non-stop gaming with a few breaks here and there for the much needed meals and bathroom breaks. After the well- deserved napping session it is back to the big screen. Only this time it is not to play video games because the carpel tunnel is acting up in the left hand again. This time it is to watch the Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives marathon on the Food Network. You just can’t get enough of the food network. But all this talk about food is making the stomach rumble and it is time for lunch. Mom promised that she will take us to the McDonalds that is right down the street if the chores were done. Little brothers are great. After slipping him a whole two dollars, the chores are done in no time and a McDonald’s double quarter pounder with extra cheese is all that is on the brain. The clerk at the counter asked, â€Å"Would you like to Supersize that sir?† After thinking for a  second about the giant container of fries and the bucket of coke the answer was easy, â€Å"Yes, Ma’am!† But why stop there? It is March and all those commercials about the new Shamrock Shake make it nearly unbearable. After a delicious lunch the only thing on the mind on this beautiful Saturday afternoon is getting back to that big screen TV and playing the brand new Call of Duty game. While all the other kids are outside running around pretending to shoot each other, the real action is inside this intense videogame. After an exhausting night, it is time to go to bed with plans for tomorrows day on the mind. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the Un ited States. The article, â€Å"Obesity in America: What’s Leading the Epidemic?† states that nearly one thousand people are killed each day from obesity. Obesity is measured by BMI or Body Mass Index. This measures how much body fat someone has based on their height and how much they weigh. The author, Harvard Men’s Health Watch states that a BMI of twenty five or more qualifies as overweight and a BMI of thirty or more qualifies as obese. About 63% of Americans are considered overweight and about 31% are considered to be obese (Harvard Men’s Health Watch 2012). These numbers are strikingly large. This article only focuses on the adults that are obese in the United States and doesn’t focus much on the children. The children are what America should really be focused on because some day they will make up majority of the population. The most obese child in the world is Jessica Guade who is seven years old and weighs four hundred and eighty two pounds. That is heavier than a majority of people in the entire world. Every single day she drinks ten thousand calories in Coca-Cola and consumes fifteen hamburgers. She can’t even walk and gets around by rolling. How can a parent do this to their child? Are they afraid to say no or do they just not care about their child’s health? This is what the American life is doing to children. These numbers will continue to go up and we will see more children like Jessica if nothing is done about this epidemic. American life is changing and people are adapting to new culture which is making them focus less on their weight and appearance. The main factors that contribute to the obesity outburst are the lack of exercise, watching way too much television, and eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat. With the changes in television and advertising on television, Americans crave things that they see on TV. When you are watching TV you will see countless fast food advertisements where they make the food look so delicious and look like it was prepared in a five star restaurant. This is just one of the many tricks that advertisers use in order to get people to buy their products. The sad part is that most of the time it works. Americans see all of these advertisements on TV and all they want to do is go out and buy it. These days children are watching so much television rather than playing outside. Young children are the main target for some advertisers like McDonalds and Burger King. In all of their commercials they show images of children eating their food and it makes children want to go and get it. Not only are there a lot of commercials about fast foods, but there are commercials about snacks and drinks as well. According to M. Mello in their article, â€Å"Federal Trade Commiss ion Regulation of Food Advertising to Children: Possibilities for a Reinvigorated Role†, a majority of the food and drink advertisements on television are advertising things that are unhealthy for the human body to consume (Mello 2010). The amount of these advertisements is ridiculous and according to this article the FDA has had to start cutting the airing of a lot of them. Not only are the advertisements on TV a problem, but the amount of television that children watch is an even bigger one. These days’ kids would rather stay inside and watch TV and play video games rather than going outside and playing sports like the past generations. The video games of this generation have made it possible for children to virtually play any sport that they want instead of going outside and physically breaking a sweat and playing them. Television has made Americans so much lazier than they used to be. People don’t get out of the house nearly as much as they used too. Instead of going out to the ballpark and watching baseball games, they just go out and buy big screen televisions and sit on their butts and watch them. Children look up to their parents and will adapt these kinds of habits from them. This is a huge reason why children are becoming so obese in America. The amount of television that kids watch and how many video games they play has a direct correlation to the lack of exercise in America these days. To children, a videogame or cartoon show is much more appealing than running around outside and exercising. Also, the developing culture of America as a whole has added to the lack of exercise in Americans.  Technology has simplified nearly every aspect of human life. Rather than walking everywhere like our ancestors did, everyone drives, or takes the bus, or does anything that keeps them from using up their energy and breaking a sweat. As the parents of children are doing this, their children adapt to that lifestyle and in turn they end up doing the same thing and start to live the way that their parents live. In the old days you would see people walking all over the streets, but now that there are automobiles the streets are just lined with traffic. As cities are bec oming more civilized and advanced, there are less and less places for people to work out, and for kids to run around and play outside. In the article, â€Å"Contributions of Built Environment to Childhood Obesity† by, T. Rahman, R.A. Cushing, and R.J. Jackson, it states that the neighborhood the child lives in has a huge impact on their health. For example, if there are bike paths and places to play outside and run around, the child will be more physically active, but if these things aren’t in place, then the child is more prone to stay inside and watch television and gain weight as a result of that (Cushing 2011). While watching television they don’t have to get up to do anything anymore. Remote controls have changed the world. You can change the channel on the television, turn on and off the lights, and answer the phone right from your chair without getting up to do anything. The only thing that people have to get up to do is go and get more food from the fridge. Less and less children are becoming involved in athletics and exercise. Going outside and running around is much less appealing to children then it used to be. Lack of exercise is a huge contributing factor to obesity and children and something needs to be done about it. Fast food is so easy, quick, and convenient. Most Americans live a lifestyle th at is always on the move and always busy. It is very easy for them to turn to fast food and grab a quick meal before they go to work. Not only is it fast and easy, but there are so many fast food restaurants in the United States. In 1970 McDonalds operated close to one thousand establishments; in 2002 nearly thirty-five thousand restaurants were being operated. An estimated two thousand new McDonalds are opened each year. That is the road that most Americans choose rather than trying to sit down and eat a home cooked meal. That goes along with the laziness of Americans. In this article from CBS news â€Å"Fast Food linked to Child Obesity†, it states that â€Å"Every day, nearly one-third of U.S. children  aged 4 to 19 eat fast food, which likely packs on about six extra pounds per child per year and increases the risk of obesity† (CBSNEWS 2010). Fast food is so much faster and easier than going to the grocery store and getting all the ingredients needed to cook a nice healthy meal for your family. Instead most parents resort to the greasy, salty, and fatty foods that fast food establishments have to offer. According to J.Hariss’s article â€Å"Television Viewing and Unhealthy Diet: Implications for Children and Media Interventions†, â€Å"Humans possess an innate preference for sweet, high-fat, and salty foods, and a reluctance to try unfamiliar foods† (Hariss 2011).Although some fast food restaurants offer substitutions like how McDonalds offers apples instead of French fries, most people do not choose these substitutions. People are more concerned about taste then health and to them, greasy salty foods taste better than apples. The only time that children would choose to eat the healthier choice is when their parents are with them. According to M. Stutts in their article, â€Å" Nutrition Information and Childrens Fast Food Menu Choices†, when children go into fast food restaurants alone, they will choose to eat whatever they want regardless of the fat content. When their parents went with them they influenced them to choose the healthier items on the menu (Stutts 2009). The problem with the items on the fast food menus is that they are full of calories. The recommended calorie intake for a thirteen year old child that weighs ninety pounds is about thirteen hundred calories each day. A McDonlad’s cheeseburger happy meal with a low fat milk as a drink has approximately seven hundred calories. That is half of the amount of calories that is needed in one day. On top of that most children th ese days aren’t exercising at all and all of those calories turn straight into fat. Fast food in general is so unhealthy for your body and if it was cut out completely, the number of obese children would be reduced dramatically. There are so many factors that play into why children are becoming so obese, but eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat is the number one reason why they are so obese. Most people in the world worry about the way they look when they look in the mirror. They will do anything to make themselves â€Å"look skinnier† and make themselves look more attractive. Nobody every worries about what is going on inside of their body. Most Americans do not realize that being overweight or obese can have some serious negative health effects  on the body. There are so many aspects of life that are affected by obesity. Your metabolism, health of your muscles, bones, organs, and other parts of your body can be greatly affected when you are at an unhealthy weight. In the article â€Å"Obesity in America: Large Portions, Large Proportions,† the author talks about some of the health risks that are involved with obesity. Some of the health risks are coronary artery disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, many forms of cancer, osteoarthritis, fatty liver, and depression (Large Portions, Large Proportions 2006). Obesity can ultimately lead to a shorter life span from the health risks. It is obvious from this article that there are some major health risks from obesity that can affect your body in a very negative way. It is important that people take care of their bodies so that they can live happy and healthy lifestyles. A huge part of the childhood obesity problem is that the children have no idea what they are doing to their bodies by not exercising and having unhealthy diets. The author of this paper had the opportunity to educate children on the proper nutrition and recommended hours of exercise daily through a service learning project that was completed with the help of a middle school from their hometown. Service learning is defined as â€Å"a method of teaching and learning that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities† (What is Service-Learning, 2008). The author was given the chance to strengthen the community and inform young children about the dangers of obesity. The author did so by creating an informative brochure that the principle of Rosa Parks Middle School Dr. Donna Redmond Jones enjoyed and agreed to hand out to students around the school. The brochures were also made available in the health room where students can just come in and pick one up. In completing the service learning project, the author was able to gain a lot of knowledge on obesity, more importantly the health risks and ways to prevent them. The author also gained the fulfillment that he had informed young students about these risks and was able to benefit the community. The service project was ultimately successful because the author was able to re-teach the knowledge that he had gained from research to the children that the research was about. The information that has been provided in this paper demonstrates how a lack of exercise, watching too much television, and eating too many foods high in calories and fat, has lead to the obesity epidemic that is in America today. The number of obese children in American is an absurd number. Children in America these days don’t worry about their image and their weight as much as they used to. All they are worried about is what TV show they are going to watch next, what video game they are going to play, and what type of fast food they are going to eat today. The idea of going outside and exercising never crosses their mind. If parents gave their children a little motivation to get involved in sports and exercising, the number of obese children in America would decrease substantially. Parents don’t motivate their kids because they are doing the same exact thing as them. Not only are there a lot of obese children in America, but there are an incredible amount of obese adu lts as well. Children are prone to learn from what their parents do and inherit the bad habits that they have. So therefor if a parent is eating fatty foods and sitting around watching TV all day, their children will do the same thing. There are so many health risks that can come from obesity that you would think people would be more worried about it. Do people not pay attention to the warnings and health risks? Do they not really care about the way they look and the negative effects that it can have on the body? The prevalence of technology in America has changed the world greatly. It has made things so much easier, but in turn it has made Americans so much lazier. Everything can be done from a seat on the couch without having to get up at all. Watching too much television, lack of exercise, and eating too many foods that are high in calories and fat are the three biggest factors that play into the amount of obese children these days, but there are a ton of factors that play into why Americans are so overweight. Something needs to be done about this epidemic before we see more serious side effects from obesity. References La Merrill, M., Birnbaum, L. S. (2011). Childhood Obesity and Environmental Chemicals. Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, 78(1), 22-48. doi:10.1002/msj.20229 Anzman, S. L., Rollins, B. Y., Birch, L. L. (2010). Parental influence on childrens early eating environments and obesity risk: implications for prevention. International Journal Of Obesity, 34(7), 1116-1124. doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.43 Harris, J. L., Bargh, J. A. (2009). Television Viewing and Unhealthy Diet: Implications for Children and Media Interventions. Health Communication, 24(7), 660-673. doi:10.1080/10410230903242267 Rahman, T., Cushing, R. A., Jackson, R. J. (2011). Contributions of Built Environment to Childhood Obesity. Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, 78(1), 49-57. doi:10.1002/msj.20235 Stutts, M., Zank, G. M., Smith, K. H., Williams, S. A. (2011). Nutrition Information and Childrens Fast Food Menu Choices. Journal Of Consumer Affairs, 45(1), 52-86. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6606.2010.01192.x Mello, M. M. (2010). Federal Trade Commission Regulation of Food Advertising to Children: Possibilities for a Reinvigorated Role. Journal Of Health Politics, Policy Law, 35(2), 227- 276. doi:10.1215/03616878-2009-051 Obesity in America: Whats driving the epidemic?. (2012). Harvard Mens Health Watch, 16(7), 5-7. Anderson, S. E., Whitaker, R. C. (2010). Household Routines and Obesity in US Preschool-Aged Children. Pediatrics, 125(3), 420-428. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-0417 Obesity in America: large portions, large proportions. (2006). Harvard Mens Health Watch, 10(6), 1-5. Fast Food Linked to Child Obesity. (2009) The Associated Press. CBS News.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest :: book review, mental illness

Randall Patrick McMurphy is introduced by asking, "Do I look like a sane man?" Surprisingly enough, the answer was yes; in fact, McMurphy's sanity takes the ward by storm. None of the patients have met anyone like him. The other patients seem timid and quiet, yet McMurphy is cocky, loud, and confident. He doesn't seem to belong in the hospital at all. Everything about McMurphy marked a sane, logical, and capable man. You could tell that he was a hard working man, and even Dr. Spivey suspected a misdiagnosis, but nevertheless McMurphy was in for an experience of a lifetime. Nurse Ratched and her new patient, McMurphy, are in every way opposed to each other, she demanding control, he basking in freedom and independence. Inevitably, as the Nurse asserts her power, McMurphy rebels against it in both intentional and unintentional ways. Nurse Ratched had defeated past troublemakers with electro-shock therapy, or with lobotomies, the latter an operation that makes patients docile members of society at the expense of their individuality. McMurphy was asking for more and more freedom and awakening the other patients to things they have been missing. Nurse Ratched was intent on quelling this disturbance before it became a major issue. The climax is building when McMurphy comes back from electro-shock therapy and the rest of the ward is planning his escape. The two prostitutes Sandy and Candy arrive in the ward, and there is a wild party. This is where everything turns to chaos. McMurphy attacks Nurse Ratched, but he is immediately restrained and will never know of the hope he gave Chief. Chief believed that McMurphy made him â€Å"big† enough to finally lift the control panel that he throws through a window to escape. The resolution was fitting to the events of the novel, but it came rather quickly. It seemed as though there was the party, Billy Bibbit committed suicide, and McMurphy was lobotomized in just a few pages.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rape- How Can We Change :: essays research papers

Rape– How Can We Change? Although the country has seen crime rates plummet in recent years, rape continues to be a major concern in America. According to Annette Fuentes’ article, "Crime Rates Are Down... But What About Rape?" in Ms. magazine, "an estimated fifteen percent of women are raped or molested at some point in their lives" (22). While big cities such as Boston, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York have seen the rates of violent crimes such as murder, robbery, and aggravated assault plummet, rape has not been so fortunate. In most of these cities, reported cases of rape have declined by only a few percentage points, whereas in some of these cities, reported cases of rape have actually increased. Rape is an epidemic that is slowly plaguing our entire nation, and unless some drastic action is taken immediately, this epidemic may never be cured. If we are truly interested in having our nation cleansed of this disease, we must begin by removing from our minds the notion that rape occurs only among the poor. When asked to comment on the brutality of rape, Roger Crafts, the Dean of "Student Affairs" at Brandeis University said: "I do not think that we have a significant problem here because we have a sophisticated and intelligent group of students" (Sweet 93). Dean Crafts went on to mention that "vandalism and physical harm are more likely to occur with lower educational levels" (93). Mr. Crafts’ feelings on the subject of rape concur with those of "middle class America." Most of us feel that rape occurs only in the lower socioeconomic classes of America and not amongst those with higher educational backgrounds. Contrary to most of our beliefs, rape exists in the upper and middle classes as well, but in most cases goes unreported due to a various number of reasons. Fortunately, in recent years, the occurrences of violent rapes (those that are committed by unidentified men who forcibly attack women and then proceed to rape them) are slowly decreasing. Unfortunately, "date rapes," which were virtually unknown a generation ago, have now become commonplace. Unlike, violent rapes, a date rape is committed by someone who is known to the victim. In these types of situations, the rapist can sometimes be even the victim’s best friend. A "date rape" can leave emotional scars much deeper than those that are left from a violent rape because the prior is committed by someone whom the victim has an attachment to.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mission Statement of Nokia Essay

Nokia Corporation defines its mission to connect people through mobile phone technology and quotes its mission statement as follows; â€Å"Our strategic intent is to build great mobile products our job is to enable billions of people everywhere to get connected.† Operations Management Mission of Nokia: Nokia Goals and objectives in the market are as follows: To build great mobile products. To help people feel near to what matters to them. To enable billions of people to get more of life’s opportunities through mobiles. To capture volume and value growth to connect the next billion people to the Internet in developing growth markets. OM Department Mission of Nokia: Product design: Nokia cares about developing products that meet specific need of its customers. Thus for example, all the products of Business Solution mode are tailored to the requirement of specific entrepreneur seeking the  optimal solution for him. While in mobile phone section, the lifestyle of the target group is also analyzed. Quality Management: As the customer is the driving force in Nokia, so managing the quality is started with familiar with customer requirements and then processes are continuously improved according to the feedback received from the customers. Process Design: Nokia has design the capacity to ensure meeting all the demand (capacity built in view of demand supports the credibility of Nokia). Location: As a global company, Nokia operates in over 130 countries with the headquartered in Espoo in Finland, in the origins of Nokia. To create cutting edge technologies, it carries out researches in technologically advanced countries. Moreover, according to its diversity and location policy, Nokia wants to cooperate with companies form different locations as gaining new markets is one of the company’s goals. Layout Design: Nokia as an international company also uses global manufacturing network that gives them the ability to respond quickly to changes in demand and technology. They have suppliers in all parts of the world so that they can easily introduce changes to their processes and the utilization of resources is optimal. Human Resources: One of the Nokia strength is the employees. That’s why it aims to create them the best working environment and growth opportunities. It conducts several programs to encourage them to submit their own ideas and contribute to the company’s growth such as  ´Listening to You ´ annual survey or conducted by intranet â€Å"Ask HR† that gives a quick and openly published response for all queries. Supply Chain Management: Nokia’s supply chain includes direct sourcing (material supply for Nokia products, such as components, parts, packaging, contract manufacturing, software development, and research and development) and indirect sourcing (office equipment, services etc.) Inventory: Thanks to joint ventures and close cooperation with their supplier, Nokia can optimize their inventory levels. The suppliers as Nokia partners also participate in product development process, what helps better assess the needs of the future production. Efficient management of the inventory is also supported by the diversification of the location of suppliers. Moreover Nokia builds its inventory in view of demand, minimum levels of the inventory has to be maintained. Scheduling: Average life cycle of a mobile phone is about 2 years and during one year many new models are introduced. That’s why production of one line of products is done simultaneously with the research and design process of new products. Scheduling and taking measures in anticipation of new ventures is in this case a critical issue. Maintenance: Providing training and development for their employees is one of the Nokia’s promises. They pay much attention to be in touch with all new technologies and maintained the high level of well trained staff.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How does Shakespeare display Hamlets limitations as a conventional revenger Essays

How does Shakespeare display Hamlets limitations as a conventional revenger Essays How does Shakespeare display Hamlets limitations as a conventional revenger Essay How does Shakespeare display Hamlets limitations as a conventional revenger Essay the son of a dear father murdered , Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words. The simile here refers to Hamlets general lack of action, but is ironic in that he is talking at length about the fact that he talks too much. There is clearly an element of self loathing in this quotation and the frustration shown here might give some reason for Hamlets suicidal tendencies. This is another aspect of the play that modern audiences could relate to, as even though Hamlets reasons for not committing suicide would be more relevant to an Elizabethan audience, the contemplation of suicide is definitely a current issue. According to a survey, almost half of all people under twenty one have considered suicide at some point. One major limitation of Hamlet as a revenger is his mistrust of the messenger, his fathers ghost. His initial reaction upon their first encounter is one of fear. Angels and ministers of grace defend us! This feeling persists for a major part of the play. Hamlets mistrust represents a crucial part of Hamlets character, his analytical mind. He refuses to take what he sees at face value . This causes deep suspicion in several situations which comes to the fore in a confrontation with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Why, look how unworthy a thing you make of me! You would play upon me; you would seem to know my stops. Hamlets state of mind has led him to doubt his friends (with good reason). His fear of being taken advantage of is effectively represented by the metaphor of being played like a musical instrument. Hamlets deliberation and instinctive mistrust again strongly contrasts with the mind of a traditional revenger. They possess a mind of action, not of careful thought and consideration. When we compare Hamlets uncertainty over the provenance of the ghost to Laertes reaction to his fathers death, Laertes is clearly far more decisive. Hamlets mind is far more academic than that of a typical revenge hero. His ability to analyse leads to careful consideration of all actions. However, this intense analysis often prevents Hamlet from carrying out a productive course of action, he loses the power of action in the energy of resolve. A good example of this is when he comes upon Claudius at prayer Now might I do it pat, now he is praying; And now Ill dot and so he goes to heaven ; And so I am revenged that would be scanned. Hamlet clearly states here that he must consider his actions, and eventually decides not to kill him at that point, but instead to wait until, when he is drunk asleep or in his rage. The irony comes when Claudius reveals that he could not pray, saying my words fly up, my thoughts remain below. This makes a mockery of Hamlets careful deliberation and shows that a conventional revenger would have been more suitable for this task. A major cause for Hamlets seclusion at the beginning of the play is the emotional trauma he had suffered due to his mothers remarriage. His constant references throughout the play show his obsession. Horatio: My lord, I came to see your fathers funeral. Hamlet : I pray thee, do not mock me, fellow-student; I think it was to see my mothers wedding. He is clearly bitter and makes no attempts to conceal his view of the situation. As a result of his sense of betrayal, Hamlet feels a shadow has been cast over the moral purity of the entire world. How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on t! O, fie! Tis an unweeded garden That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature Possess it merely. This constant analysis of moral values clearly limits his effectiveness as a conventional revenger. As a revenger he must be able to put morals to one side as he completes his task. Laertes apparently does this with ease, as is shown by his determination to have revenge, To cut his throat i the church. Nearing the end of the play, Hamlet is fatalistic. This lack of fear of his own death causes him to shed the constant suspicion that burdened him earlier in the play. If it be now, tis not to come; if it be not to come; it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come He suspects no foul play, when previously it would have been uppermost in his thoughts. It is here then, at the end of the play, that he finally accepts his role as a revenger. I believe that Hamlet is a far more realistic portrayal of a revenger than typical revenge heroes. The confusion and distrust he feels towards the ghost is a rational reaction. It is much more easy to sympathise with the obviously fallible Hamlet than the self-righteous heroes of old revenge tragedies. As a modern reader, I feel that I can identify with his individualist stance. Hamlet cannot be shaped by conventional form and expectations.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mgt 521 Essays

Motorola Mobility/Mgt 521 Essays Motorola Mobility/Mgt 521 Essay Motorola Mobility/Mgt 521 Essay Business Analysis Part I – Motorola Mobility MGT/521 University of Phoenix Business Analysis Part I – Motorola Mobility Deciding whether or not to invest in Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (MMI) requires critical and creative thinking. Research provides a greater understanding of business trending in order for stakeholders to make educated decisions regarding personal and business investments. The following passages present part one of a three-part business plan designed to aid the author, a mutual fund manager, in making a fundamental investment decision. A SWOT analysis of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. proposes pertinent details, encompassing internal and external stakeholders needs, and further providing a scope of investor needs and how they are met by MMI. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face (Mind Tools Ltd, 2011, SWOT Analysis, para. 1). The subsequent paragraphs represent a snapshot of Motorola Mobility from an internal and external perspective. Strengths Operational efficiency. Resourceful manufacturing is an integral component of an efficient operation. Motorola (2011) stated, From the warehouse floor to product delivery, mobility solutions provide access to information in real time and help automate operations, ultimately creating a seamless, error-proof work environment (Motorola, 2011, Manufacturing, para. 1). MMI will have no debt at spinoff. According to Brand (2011), the disjointing of Motorolas corporate business divisions, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions, means zero debt for MMI upon development. Therefore, the newly defined entity is more easily leveraged and less inclined to accrue disadvantageous debts. A pioneer of cell phones. – Motorola is a leader in the market for cell phone technologies and has forged a direct path to success. â€Å"Motorola is one of the pioneers of mobile phones, and along with Nokia and Ericsson it has one of the biggest and most profitable phone patent portfolios in the world. (Barak, 2011, Devices, para. 8). Innovative Products. Motorola Mobility has two of the most scientific smartphone products on the market. A Middle East news portal, Al Bawaba (2011), proposes one leading innovative Motorola product is highly regarded in Middle East and Africa: Motorola ATRIX  is the world’s most powerful smartphone with a dual-core processor that is the fastest yet offered in a mobile phone and is designed to essentially become a user’s primary digital hub to create, edit and interact with documents, media and content. (para. 7) Weaknesses Weak profitability. Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. , spun off in January from Motorola Inc. declined in New York trading after the Droid smartphone maker forecast profit for this quarter and full year that trailed analysts’ estimates (Miller, 2011, News, para. 1). While the current financial forecast is stunted, long-term focus on profitability is the key. Poor Customer Service ratings. Customer satisfaction is a dynamic component of any business whether the business is corporate, entrepreneurial, or nonprofit. According to Customer Service Sc oreboard (2011), an online review and rating system, Motorola Customer Service rates a disappointing score of 36. 33 out of a possible 200. Lag in LTE technologies (4G products). Motorola Mobility is slacking in the production of LTE technologies, causing a decrease in the companys market shares. MMI is currently working toward the manufacturing of patented silicon for the 4G products in the lineup. However, according to Woyke (2011), the competitors are taking the lead in the LTE market. Opportunities Google to acquire Motorola. The acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a dedicated Android partner, will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing (Google, 2011, Investor Relations, para. ). Merging two well-established entities which complement one another will prove to enhance an already-flourishing group of technologies at the core of the mobile industry. Strong demand for Android. A  recent report from Nielsen  showed that Android controlled 39% of the domestic smartphone market, with Apple’s iOS controlling 28% (Meyer, 2011, Devices, para. 4). The statist ics are favorable for MMIs existing innovations and are suspected to increase with the sales of the upcoming lineup. Expanding smartphone lineup. Atrix, Droid X2, Droid Bionic, Droid 2 Global, and Photon 4G are five Android-based smartphones Motorola has in the lineup with the potential to compliment the Googles acquisition of Motorola Mobility (International Business Times, 2011, para. 2-8 ). With the current demand for the Android platform and technologies in the mobile arena, the five forthcoming Motorola smartphones are expected to stir up the competitive market. Threats Competitive Pressure. According to a current Yahoo Finance posting of a Dow and Nasdaq report, Motorola Mobilitys primary competitors are Apple, Cisco Systems, and Nokia (Yahoo! Finance, 2011). As the demand for even more enhanced technologies become greater, Motorola Mobility will also find a need to stay ahead of not only the existing competitors, but competitors in the making. Pending US litigation. Motorola is in a longstanding power struggle against several top companies in the mobile technology and electronics industry. Google acquired three pending US litigations along with the acquisition of MMI. According to United States leading patent law blog Patently-O (2011), Google also acquired awaiting lawsuits with TiVo, Microsoft, and Apple regarding patent infringements. Investment Decision The decision to invest in Motorola Mobility is not an easy assessment to make. However, as a mutual fund manager, the educated decision is based on the information gained from the SWOT analysis conducted. Internally, MMI is strong with above-average manufacturing efficiencies. Additionally, the quality of smartphones made by Motorola significantly compliments Googles existing Android platforms. Externally, with Googles acquisition of MMI, the business decision to invest in Motorola Mobility is a secure long-term decision accompanied with only a few risks. Internal and External Stakeholders and Needs Motorola Mobility is a spinoff company which separated from Motorola and then merged with Google. Internal stakeholders include both Motorola and Google along with the employees, shareholders, manufacturers, customers, suppliers, traveling consumers and home consumers of the innovative mobile technologies. External stakeholders of MMI include device manufacturers, service providers, social media, marketers, advertisers and application developers. Every stakeholder has a need which, ideally, must be met by the coupled organization. MMIs internal stakeholders need increased sales, economical supplies, and efficient processes. However, external stakeholders seek efficient and effective platforms and software in order to make use of the mobile technologies supplied. Need Fulfillment and Implications At the present time, Motorola Mobility is deficient in profitability, but is excelling with product manufacturing efficiencies and processes. Profitability can be expected to increase over time as the merge with Google stabilizes and leverages the overall company portfolio. Furthermore, the sales can be expected to increase with the introduction of Motorola LTE products once the company establishes and patents the unique silicon currently in the works. Finally, the existing Android-based platforms Google has already patented are complimentary to Motorola Mobilitys offered products and also the devices in the lineup to be launched. On the other hand, one of MMIs chief focal points should include a goal of improving the quality of service provided to the consumers. Increased orientation time and interactive training would provide more involved and knowledgeable employees. Conclusion Motorola Mobility Holdings is currently struggling with profits, customer service standards, and competition; however, the judgment to invest in the newly-acquired company is sound regardless of the existing risks. As shown in the provided SWOT analysis, MMI has several favorable factors in the immediate mobile technology market. With MMIs historical cell phone quality, current and future innovations, lack of current debt, recent merge with the prominent Google Company, and ever-growing demand for mobile technology, the decision to invest stands firm. After all, between Motorola nd Google, even the companys minor flaws and external pressures are presently under control and projected to stay that way. References Al Bawaba. (2011, February 6). Motorola to showcase most powerful innovative mobile devices. Retrieved from albawaba. com Barak, S. (2011, August 15). Googles bid for Motorola Mobility a play for patents only? Retrieved from http://siliconvalley. rcrwireless. com Brand, C. (2011, January 11). Motorola Doubles Down on Cell Phones with Mobility Unit Spin-Off, But Should Investors Tread Carefully? Retrieved from peridotcapitalist. om Customer Service Scoreboard. (2011, September 5). Motorola Customer Service. Retrieved from customerservicescoreboard. com Google. (2011, August 15). Google Investor Relations. Retrieved from http://investor. google. com International Business Times. (2011, September 2). Top 5 Android-based Motorola Smartphones That Could Compliment Google-Motorola Deal. Retrieved from ibtimes. com Meyer, D. (2011, August 15). RCR Wireless. Retrieved from http://siliconvalley. rcrwireless. com Miller, H. (2011, July 29). Motorola Mobility Drops as Profit Forecast Trails Estimates. Retrieved from businessweek. com Mind Tools Ltd. (2011). SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_05. htm Motorola. (2011). Manufacturing. Retrieved from motorola. com Patently-O. (2011, August 15). Googles Purchase of Motorola Mobility. Retrieved from patentlyo. com Woyke, E. (2011, July 15). Motorola Seeks To Shore Up Weakness In LTE Devices. Retrieved from forbes. com Yahoo! Finance. (2011, September 2). Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (MMI). Retrieved from http://finance. yahoo. com

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Top 10 Love Quotes from Shakespeare

Top 10 Love Quotes from Shakespeare As this  list of top 10 Shakespearean love quotes suggests, William  Shakespeare remains the world’s most romantic dramatist and poet. He is responsible for Romeo and Juliet and Sonnet 18, the greatest love story and poem ever written. Here are the top Shakespeare love quotes, from his plays and his memorable sonnet: Helena, A Midsummer Nights Dream   Act 1, Scene 1: Helena ponders how Demetrius, instead of falling for her, is becoming enamored of  Hermia: Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Romeo, Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 4:  Romeo tells his friend Mercutio that he is sinking under loves heavy burden with Juliet: Is love a tender thing? it is too rough,Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn. The Duke, Twelfth Night Act 1, Scene 1: The Duke addresses the court in his palace, comparing love to a beautiful tune being played by the court musicians: If music be the food of love, play on. Sonnet 18 This is the opening couplet of Bards famous poem in which he compares his lover to a beautiful spring day- and finds her superior: Shall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Olivia, Twelfth Night   Act 3, Scene 1: Olivia, a countess, is talking to Viola, who has disguised herself as a man and inadvertently attracted Olivias love: Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. Ferdinand, The Tempest Act 3, Scene 1: Ferdinand, whose party has crashed on an enchanted island,  is speaking with Miranda, who was marooned on the island 12 years before, as they fall in love amid magical trickery: Hear my soul speak:The very instant that I saw you, didMy heart fly to your service; there resides,to make me slave to it. Beatrice, Much Ado About Nothing   Act 4, Scene 1:  Beatrice addresses Benedick as they banter  while friends conspire to make them fall in love- and succeed: I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. Portia, ​The Merchant of Venice   Act 3, Scene 2:  This is Portias convoluted way of saying Im all yours! to Bassanio, one of her suitors: One half of me is yours, the other half yours- Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,And so all yours! Romeo, Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1: Romeo tells his cousin Benvolio about his love for an unnamed woman (Juliet) and how she has so far resisted his advances: Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs. Phebe, As You Like It   Act 3, Scene 5:  Phebe tries to tell Silvius that she doesnt love him, having instead fallen for Rosalind, who is disguised as a man named Ganymede. (Phebe is quoting from a poem by Christopher Marlowe; Shakespeare borrowed the line from Marlowes Hero and Leander.): Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 12

Case Study - Essay Example Edward Alexander wants to invest in real estate, thus building equity based future. He believes that increasing his return would be best done by managing his own investment. He thinks that paying someone for rent is a not a smart idea since it’s simply a waste of money. Alexander wants to invest in the popular Beacon Hill area and thus he initiated a thorough search about the area. He found out that the value of the area is increasing rapidly due to the natural advantages surrounding it such as Charles River and public parks. The properties were listed in the market from $299,000-2.4 million dollars. The rent for a one bedroom apartment in that area ranges between $1100-1600 per month and the two bedroom apartment ranges from $1600-$2100. Alexander has $80,000 cash and the required investments about 21.5%. Thus, Alexander needs $70,000 in cash. Alexander decided to invest in a complex priced at $350,000 that needs renovation of $165,000, he decided to invest his $80,000 and get a $19,000 from an investor and take a mortgage loan of $450,000. Taking into consideration of miscellaneous costs and fees that totaled $549,000, consequently, a mortgage higher than $450,000 would result in a higher interest of $2000 during renovations. This paper will analyze Alexander’s options with regard to this property. And provide forecast of the most important financial ratios. The cases regarding to Alexander Edward, who is a graduate from Harvard College, and recently working in a biotech firms since four years. Due to the good knowledge of the location, and his perspective to give a hand in real estate business included their urge to have a home a good location, he started to explore the location with all possible sources. The business in the sector is on its peak and growth is very good since last ten years. The home liked by Alexander is almost priced at $500,000

Friday, October 18, 2019

What are the motivation behind sexual serial homocide Essay

What are the motivation behind sexual serial homocide - Essay Example er in which sexual contact is explicit" (Kellaher, 2004), other experts attribute this term to the homicidal act only if "the perpetrator describes an internal feeling of arousal" (Kellaher, 2004). There are some observations which indicate that the murder is sexual homicide. They are exposure of sexual parts of the body of the victim, victim attire, lack of victim attire, presence of the body of the victim in sexual position, presence of foreign bodies in the various cavities of the body of the victim, evidence of intercourse either, vaginally, orally or sexually and presence of evidence of substitute sexual interest, sexual activity or sadistic fantasy (Mirich, 2004). According to Schlesinger (2004), there is a dire need to understand the acts of sexual homicide by examining the criminal psychodynamics and also the crime context. Schlesinger (2004) emphasizes the need for forensic examiners to review and evaluate the statements made by witnesses and also collateral histories as available from the family members of the criminals and the employers. The numbers of sexual homicide cases which occur are not much known, but they constitute to about less than 1% of all murders. Over the past 35 years, it has been estimated that the rate of sexual murder has almost tripled. According to experts, in about 43% of cases, the victim was a stranger to the assailant and there was no known connection. According to the FBI study (qtd. in Mirich, 2003), all the serial sexual murderers were male, with most of them being white. The study also revealed that most of the victims of serial sexual killing were women. Another interesting finding in the FBI study (qtd. in Mirich, 2003) was that most of the killers were eldest sons with 80% having average or above average intelligence. Also, atleast 74% killers had a stable income and about 69% of the killers were alcoholics and 33% drug addicts. There were family histories of psychiatric disorders in 53% of killers. Many of them also

Curriculum design for teaching high School Tennis Essay

Curriculum design for teaching high School Tennis - Essay Example It has also become a part of physical education programs in colleges and high schools. The objective of the researcher is to create a curriculum for teaching tennis to high school students. This curriculum must also show the relation of tennis to other disciplines. Since tennis is a game that requires accuracy and precision, certain principles in biomechanics and racket science should be considered. The understanding of these two subjects requires the application of math and physics. Also, since the sport requires a lot of movement and is very tasking for the body, a little knowledge in physiology can help them avoid or lessen injuries or muscle pains after the game. Human Physiology is actually a combination of anatomy and biochemistry. Therefore, this curriculum will also enhance the students’ knowledge and appreciation of the following subjects: physics, mathematics, anatomy and organic chemistry. Since there are many specialized terms associated with curriculum design, these terms are not defined the same way by many professionals in this field. According to David Armstrong, these are the basic design concepts that must be considered when one is designing a curriculum: 1.) scope, 2.) sequence, 3.) articulation, 4.) continuity, and 5.) balance.1 Scope â€Å"refers to the extent and depth of content coverage.†2 This is very significant in curriculum development because of its dependence on instructional time. Since the time given for a certain subject is fixed, expanding the coverage in one area would lead to the reduction of the coverage of another area. The scope can be molded by these considerations: 1.) legal constraints, 2.) content significance, 3.) content authenticity, 4.) motivational appeal, 5.) content complexity, and 6.) the instructor’s background and support-material availability.3 Legal constraints refer to the decisions that cannot be changed by the curriculum developers. These are usually mandated by the state, specifying the subjects

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Leisure Facility Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leisure Facility Proposal - Research Paper Example The underground garage would still be an underground garage. The need for parking space would still be aessential. People coming to the Leisure Centre would require parking. It would be more convenient to keep the current parking spaces for the new Leisure Centre. The 1st and 2ndlevels would be made up of locker rooms, refreshments, and other various kiosks.The 1st floor would have the refreshments and kiosks. Customers that had just worked out could watch the ice skaters, or mothers could have a beverage while watching their children. The 2nd floor would have the locker rooms. This is practical as well as necessary since the toilets of the Central Library are currently on the 2nd floor (Birmingham Central Library). Showers and toilets could be installed more efficiently on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor would be the regular weight lifting gym. Weights, barbells, and other weight machines would be offered on the 3rd floor. The 4th floor would be a cardio floor with independent and instructor led activities. Treadmills, jump ropes, and other cardio activities would be offered on the 4th floor. The 5th floor would be a child friendly floor. Activities for children would be here. A day care facility would be open for mums and dads. Gym related activities would be available as well. On the 6th floor racquetball courts would be offered. A track would be available on the outside of the racquetball rooms. The racquetball rooms would be heavy duty glass rooms in the middle. ... People coming to the Leisure Centre would require parking. It would be more convenient to keep the current parking spaces for the new Leisure Centre. The 1st and 2nd levels would be made up of locker rooms, refreshments, and other various kiosks. The 1st floor would have the refreshments and kiosks. Customers that had just worked out could watch the ice skaters, or mothers could have a beverage while watching their children. The 2nd floor would have the locker rooms. This is practical as well as necessary since the toilets of the Central Library are currently on the 2nd floor (Birmingham Central Library). Showers and toilets could be installed more efficiently on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor would be the regular weight lifting gym. Weights, barbells, and other weight machines would be offered on the 3rd floor. The 4th floor would be a cardio floor with independent and instructor led activities. Treadmills, jump ropes, and other cardio activities would be offered on the 4th floor. The 5th floor would be a child friendly floor. Activities for children would be here. A day care facility would be open for mums and dads. Gym related activities would be available as well. On the 6th floor racquetball courts would be offered. A track would be available on the outside of the racquetball rooms. The racquetball rooms would be heavy duty glass rooms in the middle. The activities and services that are being planned can all be justified. An ice skating ring built on a ground level that could support pools and water is an opportunity that cannot be passed up. The customers need a place to park, so the parking garage is also obligatory. When individuals work out, they get thirsty, need showers, and need a place to put their things. The 1st

The Bread Givers,the Smolinsky house is patriarchal in nature Essay

The Bread Givers,the Smolinsky house is patriarchal in nature - Essay Example Instances of such patriotism have been displayed throughout the story where the writer says,’ Traditional father searches for God through the Talmud and religious study’ (Yezeirska, 1925, xvi) specifying that Moses’ reading was confined only to reading Jewish sacred texts. Another instance where’ mother believed she might earn a place in the heaven by serving her husband well’ (Yezeirska, xvi) showed that the family was firm in traditional believes. Sara’s father’s attachment to Jewish culture has been depicted here as patriarchal characteristics. Surrounded by the lives of his family, the patriarchal nature of the father has a powerful role to play in this novel. It gives a winning note to his values when his daughter’s lives are destroyed due to his religious values and this rigidity has also been noted where Moses, even in dying state refuses to live with Sara and Hugo. The story was written somewhere between 1920 and the society and culture of that phase has an impact on the story. Even before that in the 19th century during the colonial period in America we find the prevalence of the class system. The upper class denoted the aristocrat class who were owners of large plantations. During the 19th century slavery was also present in the society and the plantation owners usually owned large number of slaves and worked hard to achieve higher standards of living. Post colonization, the immigration of Jews to the New York City has been talked about in the story. More than a merge, there was a clash of the two cultures. M ore specifically a struggle between the old and the new world was clearly noticed. Jews of that period were very particular about their traditions and appeared to be conservative. The Jewish people restricted from interacting with people of different cultural background. This is depicted in the story. Where Sara Smolinsky is opening up to accept the new concept of self independence imposed in American culture, Moses remains about

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leisure Facility Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leisure Facility Proposal - Research Paper Example The underground garage would still be an underground garage. The need for parking space would still be aessential. People coming to the Leisure Centre would require parking. It would be more convenient to keep the current parking spaces for the new Leisure Centre. The 1st and 2ndlevels would be made up of locker rooms, refreshments, and other various kiosks.The 1st floor would have the refreshments and kiosks. Customers that had just worked out could watch the ice skaters, or mothers could have a beverage while watching their children. The 2nd floor would have the locker rooms. This is practical as well as necessary since the toilets of the Central Library are currently on the 2nd floor (Birmingham Central Library). Showers and toilets could be installed more efficiently on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor would be the regular weight lifting gym. Weights, barbells, and other weight machines would be offered on the 3rd floor. The 4th floor would be a cardio floor with independent and instructor led activities. Treadmills, jump ropes, and other cardio activities would be offered on the 4th floor. The 5th floor would be a child friendly floor. Activities for children would be here. A day care facility would be open for mums and dads. Gym related activities would be available as well. On the 6th floor racquetball courts would be offered. A track would be available on the outside of the racquetball rooms. The racquetball rooms would be heavy duty glass rooms in the middle. ... People coming to the Leisure Centre would require parking. It would be more convenient to keep the current parking spaces for the new Leisure Centre. The 1st and 2nd levels would be made up of locker rooms, refreshments, and other various kiosks. The 1st floor would have the refreshments and kiosks. Customers that had just worked out could watch the ice skaters, or mothers could have a beverage while watching their children. The 2nd floor would have the locker rooms. This is practical as well as necessary since the toilets of the Central Library are currently on the 2nd floor (Birmingham Central Library). Showers and toilets could be installed more efficiently on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor would be the regular weight lifting gym. Weights, barbells, and other weight machines would be offered on the 3rd floor. The 4th floor would be a cardio floor with independent and instructor led activities. Treadmills, jump ropes, and other cardio activities would be offered on the 4th floor. The 5th floor would be a child friendly floor. Activities for children would be here. A day care facility would be open for mums and dads. Gym related activities would be available as well. On the 6th floor racquetball courts would be offered. A track would be available on the outside of the racquetball rooms. The racquetball rooms would be heavy duty glass rooms in the middle. The activities and services that are being planned can all be justified. An ice skating ring built on a ground level that could support pools and water is an opportunity that cannot be passed up. The customers need a place to park, so the parking garage is also obligatory. When individuals work out, they get thirsty, need showers, and need a place to put their things. The 1st

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

High Profile corporate collapses in the last two decades have been Assignment

High Profile corporate collapses in the last two decades have been attributed to laxities in the regulatory framework of financi - Assignment Example In June 2002, the EU has adopted a regulation to prepare their financial statements in agreement with IFRS or IAS which is required to be followed by all listed European Union companies in the regulated markets. Companies are open to select their national reporting standards and follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for associate and subsidiary companies. The regulation is applicable only on the consolidated accounts. The regulation came into consideration from the year 2005 (PwC, 2005). With an aim to develop common accounting standards in 1973, nine countries including UK formed International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). Over hundred countries have it’s become members. Countries, especially bigger economies, are bringing in their own perspectives and adapting to this accounting standards. In coming up with common acceptable accounting standards IASC had to deal with accounting conflictions (Accounting Standards Board, 1999). IASC has not been succe ssful in resolving all the conflicts with all member countries as it is nearly an impossible task to fully satisfy more than hundred accounting bodies from across the world. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or International Accounting Standards (IAS) is applicable to more than 90 countries. ... Except for some changes in IAS 39 relating to the fair value of financial instruments, IFRS 6 and some of the IFRIC interpretations, European Union has now endorsed IFRS (IFRS, 2012). The EU regulation is only enforceable for listed companies. A member state has an alternative to extend the use of IFRS within their jurisdiction to unlisted companies. Department of Trade and Industry has said that the unlisted companies would still be permitted to adopt IFRS over UK GAAP as there is no mandatory instructions for unlisted companies to move to IFRS (IFRS, 2012). Arguments in favour of financial reporting regulation Mainstream economistic reasoning has also been influential in respect of the issue of how best to regulate financial accounting. Some of the above perspectives have implications for how accounting should be regulated. Perspectives that assume the existence of perfect information clearly would not see the need for further regulation. Under the scenario of perfect and complete markets, a company that accepted all projects with non-negative present values would simply have to announce these present values or cash flows to the market, if we take a slightly less abstract view (although strictly in such reasoning this would automatically happen for markets to be perfect and complete). The value of the company would then equal the present value of these cash flows, which in turn would equal the market price. Under these circumstances one may even question whether annual reports are necessary. Within mainstream economic thinking (that assumes ‘perfect and complete markets’ to maximise well-being and the role of ‘accounting information’ to be confined to serving markets), the answer to this question would be in the negative as it would be to the question ‘is

History of Haircoloring Essay Example for Free

History of Haircoloring Essay The first major break through in hair coloring history came in 1863, when chemist Dr. August Wilhelm Von Hofmann reported the dye properties of paraphenylenediamine. His discovery led to the birth of the synthetic hair dye industry, and PPD still Dominates the field today. Hofmann was also known for his studies of organic derivatives of ammonia and for discovering the first unsaturated alcohol and several organic dyes. On the heels of Hofmann’s discovery, in 1867 London chemist E. H.  Thullay and Parisian hairdresser Leon Hugot demonstrated the advantages of hydrogen peroxide as best chemical way to lighten hair then alkaline solutions. After the mid 1920’s oxidation dyes were greatly improved and the fashionable use of haircoloring boomed. The introduction of salon and then home hair dyes during the same period brought about a revolutionary change worldwide and explosion of hair options. Clairol’s founder, Lawrence M. Gelb, introduced hair color to salons more than 70 years ago. When Clairol launched its first salon colors in 1931, millions of women began using them. Instant Clairol Oil Shampoo Tint soon changed the look of Americans. In 1950, Clairol introduced Miss Clairol Hair Color Bath, the first real breakthrough that lightened hair without the harshness and complicated handling of bleach. For the first time, hair could be lightened, tinted, conditioned and shampooed in only one step instead of five, in only 20 minutes. In the 1661 book Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art Nature, various methods of coloring hair black, gold, green, red, yellow, and white are explained. Hair dye or hair color, is a chemical preparation used to change the color of a person’s hair. Hair dye is used to cover gray hair, which in some cultures has historically been considered to be a sign of aging. The Romans have been known to be interested in changing hair color and history revealed that they created over a hundred recipes using natural ingredients. These preparations could only darken hair. In 2007, where the next hair color breakthrough is currently unfolding, the first in over 50 years. Advances in understanding the molecular structure of hair have allowed scientists to develop improved technologies that minimize the amount of damage in the coloring process, and even create specialized products that restore health and brilliance to colored hair. The new chemistry of hair color is here, making hair color easier, quicker, and more effective than ever. Today millions of women color their hair, spanning every age, race, nationality and religion. According to recent surveys, at least 88 percent of all women feel their hair has an effect on their self-confidence. Today women demand a quick efficient product that easily fit into their hectic lifestyle. These are the products that we have today.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role Of Stakeholders In Projects Construction Essay

Role Of Stakeholders In Projects Construction Essay The management of competing stakeholders has emerged has as an important weapon in the successful implementation of projects. According to Olander and Landin 2007, there is a growing and natural tendency for external stakeholder groups to try to influence the implementation of construction project in line with their individual concerns and needs. This presents a challenge for project managers to assessing and managing these various concerns and needs in order to ensure that the execution of the project is not hindered. Yang et al, 2009 pointed out that the construction industry has a poor record of stakeholder management over the past decades owing to the complexity and uncertainty of projects. Many problems can arise in the implementation of construction projects such as project managers having unclear objectives as regards stakeholder management and underestimation of the power of key stakeholders. In order to solve these problems, project managers needs to develop effective strategies for managing stakeholders. Proper management of stakeholders will lead to stakeholder cooperation and enhances the achievement of project objective while neglect of stakeholders can hinder it. This report seeks to analyse and establish the important role that stakeholders play in the implementation of construction projects with focus on the UK construction industry. Documentary analysis and discussion of findings are presented in this research report. Chapter 1 1.0 Introduction In the execution of any project, and especially in construction projects, there are so many different interests that need to be taken into consideration. The representatives of these interests are those that are referred to as project stakeholders (Olander and Landin, 2005). In order to effectively manage project stakeholders, there is the need for an understanding of the term stakeholders. Rodney, 2007 describes project stakeholder as a person or group of people who have a vested interest in the success of project and the environment within which the project operates. The management of stakeholders is very important in the execution of any construction project. For instance, in large infrastructure and engineering projects, several studies have revealed how stakeholders significantly influence the project outcome. Hence, there is the need to develop appropriate strategies by which stakeholders will be managed from the inception of the project up till the final closing out stages. Understanding the stakeholder theory provides a solid framework for identifying, analysing and categorizing stakeholders as well as recognizing their behaviour in order to manage them effectively ( Aaltonen, Jaakko and Tuomas, 2008). The purpose of stakeholder identification and analysis is to facilitate an understanding of how to successful manage project stakeholders in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rapidly evolving environment. Olander and Landin, 2005 higlighted that the requirements of the community apply pressure on organisations to modify or change their working methods and the means of communicating with stakeholders. They further reiterated that any stakeholder with a negative perception can severely hinder a construction project from achieving its objectives. The concerns and interests of stakeholders if not properly managed often lead to serious conflicts and disagreements. Stakeholders are very important to the success of a project. It is vital to identify them as they affect or are affected by the project. Pan (2005) believes that the identification of stakeholders involves knowing those with high or potential interest in the project and its outcome and involves the grouping of stakeholders with shared objectives together. Winch, 2010 describes project stakeholders as those actors which will incur or perceive they will incur a direct benefit or loss as a result of the project. The execution of construction projects usually brings about new product or value, but they can also have damaging effects creating such problems as noise, dust, environmental pollution and other obstruction within the project area. These often lead to public outcry and resistance from local residents and other interest groups whom could be affected by the construction project. Winch, 2010 categorized the different types of stakeholders for a construction project in order to aid analysis and management of their problems. He classified them into two categories, which are internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are those persons and organizations that are directly involved and affected by the project while the external stakeholders are those that are not directly involved but may be affected by the project. The internal stakeholders were broken down around the client as those on the demand side and those on the supply side while the external stakeholders were broken down into public and private actors as shown in table 1 below. This research is designed to provide essential background and recommendations for managing project stakeholders and the impact of their behavior and on project success. 1.2 Overview of the Research. According to Newcombe, 2003 the role and nature of the construction client in the United Kingdom have changed dramatically over the last 50 years. He further assert that different stakeholders have varying levels and types of investment and interest in construction projects and can be viewed as multiple clients or customers for the project in which they are involved. Stakeholders with different levels and types of power and interest in construction projects have expectations that the project manager must manage. In order to achieve these, the project manager must adequately identify who the project stakeholders are, recognise what these stakeholders expect from a construction project and then develop strategies to manage the stakeholders. It is important to state that conflicts and controversies can arise in the implementation of construction projects if the concerns and interests of the stakeholders are not properly managed. To prevent this, project managers need to take into consideration the concerns of all stakeholders and devise a means of discourse to reconcile conflicting interests. Construction projects affect stakeholders in both positive and negative ways (Olander and Landin, 2005). For instance, a construction project can be of relevant use to one stakeholder group and have negative consequences on another. Getting to understand each stakeholderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s point of view and providing a room for dialogue will help foster good relationships and avoid potential disruption to project plans. This research will therefore examine the role in which stakeholders play in the implementation of construction projects and their impact, establish the relationship between theory and practise in relation to stakeholder participation in construction projects and propose strategies for managing external stakeholders through out the project life cycle. 1.3 Rationale The rationale for this research will be divided into three parts, namely: Academic, Business and Personal. 1.3.1 Academic The has been a wide range of literature and studies on project stakeholders and how to manage them, however this research will focus on the assessment of the impact of stakeholders in influencing project objectives and how they can be managed. The importance of managing stakeholders in a construction project to ensure its success will be analysed in this research. 1.3.2 Business Large construction projects are usually a subject of varying controversies from the turbulent environmental forces. The complexity of these projects generates a lot of interested parties who either have something to gain or loose from the development of the project (Walker). These stakeholders exert all power within reach as they seek to influence the outcome of the project. Managing the project effectively requires that stakeholders are properly managed as a function of the project management process. 1.3.2 Personal Successful project managers recognise the relevance and importance of stakeholder management to project success, and as a potential project manager, it is a necessity to have an in-depth understanding of the management of stakeholders in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s volatile environment, most especially with construction project which has generated so many tensions in the past. My previous degree in Civil Engineering has also necessitated my desired to have the construction industry as a case study. 1.4 Aims and Objectives The aim of this project is to identify and evaluate the influence and role of stakeholders in the execution of construction projects: a case study of the UK construction industry. This research will examine the role in which stakeholders play in the implementation of construction projects with particular emphasis on external stakeholders and their impact in influencing the project outcome. Below are the objectives of this research project: To evaluate the influence of stakeholders in the implementation of construction projects (using stakeholder mapping together with the power/interest matrix). To establish the critical success factors associated with stakeholder management in the construction projects. To examine the level of stakeholder involvement in the construction project life cycle. To propose strategies for managing external stakeholders in construction. 1.5 Scope The scope of this project includes: Documentary review on the subject area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Managing project stakeholders in construction and project success. Preparing a primary research plan and proposing a primary method for managing stakeholders in construction projects. The scope exclusions include; This study will be restricted to the primary research plan only and will not include any secondary research. 1.6 Deliverables The deliverables for this research plan will be divided into two; internal and external. Internal Deliverables: A project research plan that contains the study background, aims and objectives, overview of the research study, rationale, scope and exclusion, assumptions and considerations, and structure of the report. A documentary review on the topic area. A primary research proposal Conclusion and recommendation, and highlights for further research areas. External Deliverable: A compiled Management report submitted to enhance further research. 1.7 Assumptions and Considerations. The demands of different stakeholder groups are diverse, thus project managers must be able to evaluate the variety of demands presented by stakeholders so as to enhance communication between them. However, consideration is given to the fact that the stakeholders analysed in this research will be applicable to a wide range of construction projects as well as the strategies to be proposed. 1.8 Methodology The research will employ the use of a case study to investigate the role and impact of project stakeholders in influencing their needs and expectations. The research methodology to be adopted for the research will be predominantly qualitative. The preference of the qualitative approach is driven by the objectives of the research which is descriptive and explanatory in nature. Documentation analysis will be used to analyse any relevant documents gathered that relates to the research. 1.9 Project schedule The research plan for this work which outlines the steps to fulfil the objectives as well as the timescale for the research is presented in Appendix 1 which is attached to this project research plan. 1.10 Research Structure This research will consist of an introductory part made up of the project research plan, and will further be divided into four chapters with; Chapter 2 reviews relevant literatures by other experts and documents on the research topic, and then presenting a critical analysis of facts and ideas which are significant to the topic. Chapter 3 will focus on the methodology for the research which is mainly documentary analysis and will present a proposal for the primary research plan. Chapter 4 will present a findings and discussion of the key element of the research. Chapter 5 will be a summary of the project to provide a conclusion and recommendation and also areas for further research.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Roman City Planning Essay -- Rome History Roman Historical Essays

Roman City Planning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The design and structure of a city is as important as the people who dwell within her walls. The placement of streets and the structures built there are carefully plotted for optimal use. Foot and cart traffic, fire hazard, and access to water were all key factors in city planning. Eventually the Romans had fine tuned their design principals in such an advantageous way that they molded all of their city states similarly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rome developed from the combination of small farming communities around a hilltop fortification. The city, which was founded before regularized city planning, consisted of a confusing maze of crooked and gnarled streets. The focal point of which was the city’s forum, the main meeting place and site of the many religious and civic buildings such as the Senate house, records office, and basilica. (Rich, 20) Augustan Rome, with a population estimated at between 700,000 and one million, was the only megalopolis in the West. Rome’s street plan, which at its greatest extent had 85 km of road, was an irregular maze. Most streets were footpaths or could accommodate only one cart at a time. The central city had only two viea (streets on which two carts could pass each other), on opposing sides of the main forum. (Nicholas, 6) A law passed under Julius Caesar, which was still in force well after his death, stated that carriages were forbidden to use these streets by day, since it was found that there was not room in them both for wheeled vehicles and pedestrians. Public streets would be decorated with marble and stone, some houses, as they decayed, have revealed alleyways and passages that existed before reconstruction. (Bowra, 34) Main streets were often designed carefully to accentuate the housing and monuments that would appear on any given street. Side streets would often be no more than passages, with flights of steps, and sometimes scarcely broad enough for two people to pass in comfort. Many streets were colonnaded; a Roman technique intended to bring shape to shadow and direct light through the streets. Earlier centuries used the stoa, or free-standing portico, to give effects of light and shade to their constructions. It is suggested that the colonnaded street developed out of the stoa; and partly also, perhaps, out of the thrifty use of available space, with the upper stories of houses jutting forw... ...ordinated plan of the city. The main streets led directly from the center of town to the gates, and the pomerial road ran around the city immediately inside the walls. (owens, 150) Rome was a living organism constantly changing and evolving as all cities do. However, the design and structure of Rome was born out of knotted roots. The placement of streets and the structures grew from dirt roads to paved passage ways meant to convey movement and beauty. Key factors in city planning revolved around the citizens and their needs. The Roman design principals forged a template by which all of their city states were similarly molded. Works Cited Bowra, Maurice Et. Al. Golden Ages of the Great Cities. London, England: Thames and Hudson, 1951. Morris, AE. History of Urban Form. London, England: George Godwin LTD, 1972 Nicholas, David. The Growth of Medieval City: From late Antiquity to Early Fourteenth Century. New York, NY: Longman Publishing, 1997. Owens, E. J. The City in the Greek and Roman World. London, England: Routledge Publishing, 1991. Rich, John & Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew. City and the Country in the Ancient World. London, England: Routledge Publishing, 1991.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aphasia :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Aphasia In this world, humans and animals alike have come to communicate by using various mechanisms. Humans have advanced themselves beyond other organisms by using language, or a set of codes and symbols, in order to express themselves to others. Language has brought about a means to create new thoughts, to explore, and to analyze our everyday surroundings. It has also enabled us to retain past memories and to look deep into the advances for the future. However, for some individuals, this tool for communication has been plagued by a language and speech disorders, such as aphasia. Aphasia is the loss of the ability to speak or understand speech or written language. It is often detected at an early age, and contributes to the general class of speech and language disorders affecting "5% of school aged children" (1) . Aphasia is classified into three categories. The main two are receptive or sensory aphasia and expressive or motor aphasia. Receptive aphasia affects the input side and "the abil ity to understand spoken or written language may be partially or totally lost" (1) . Those with expressive aphasia "can speak but not find certain words or names, or may be totally unable to communicate verbally or by writing" (1) . For a majority of affected individuals, there is a combination of the two. The third type is conduction aphasia. This "involves disruption of transmission between the sensory and motor ends of the circuit" (1) . Here, individuals are able to produce speech despite the lack of connections to the input side. It seems that the ability to speak has a lot to do with your surroundings and how much emphasis was placed on developing this skill during the first few years after birth. Afterall, it's known that the first few years are critical because this is the time when the brain is "plastic" and is rapidly changing and being molded. By the time that adolescence is reached, the brain has become "less plastic". In this paper, I would like to explore theories prop osed to try to understand the origins of this impairment. Ongoing research has tried to pinpoint exact reasons as to why there is speech impairment for those with aphasia and other language disorders. Most theories suggest genetic and environmental implications. Is the speech disability some sort of defect from within the brain, or does the disability develop as a result of influence from your surroundings and lack of nurture from others?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Reflection paper

Reflection Paper: Zombie Apocalypse Myths have been around in all parts of the world for thousands and thousands of years. All religions have their own myths on how the world was created and dealing with the evil spirits in the world and much more. Over the years there were different myths created making society believe in them along with others wanting the historical facts behind these myths. Making many of us develop a sense of fantasy with these myths. For example, the zombie apocalypse.The word Zombie comes from the Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. It refers to a human dead body which serves the undead, but what makes people so crazed over it? Is it the mysterious way the illness or â€Å"bite† first started? Why is it continually being spoken about on the websites and on the television? Many people have their own interpretation on this. Many of it deals with the preparedness for the end of the world. This ties into the entertainment of peoples minds since people ar e bored in the world wanting to create a new myth. Let me elaborate on this farther.When It comes to the zombie type of apocalypse many people have created movies, video games, and books on It. This type of apocalypse have given some people the â€Å"adrenaline rush† in video games for they can use violence to kill these zombies. Other people search the facts in order to prepare for disasters in the world. It can be tough to get people thinking about emergency preparedness before disaster strikes. Hollywood created these zombie movies, video games, television series, and books to spark our attention and get people Involved in preparing before a true natural disaster strikes.Because of these many movies and books In the world It made people question this zombie apocalypse. Will it really happen? How do you prepare for it? Many people in the world have said to have an emergency plan and survival kit set up. But who would want to believe this? Is it a myth or fact? Many people h ave then thought of this apocalypse as another contribute to the humans who are â€Å"living† whom, without the threat of law, would contemplating to rape and kill you Just to take what you have, and to enjoy whatever sick twisted fantasy they cook up on the spot.This Is the type of facts people have to add to this myth. As signs go on with the facts other than trying to survive and kill the zombies, people would get depression. Depression will lower your immune system, causing the stress and making you tired constantly which can add to your death or becoming a â€Å"zombie. † Even if there is not a zombie attack, the government might be more prepared for an earthquake or any other type of disaster which is more common than an actual zombie apocalypse. I personally do not believe In the typical zombie apocalypse movies and videotapes and such.I do believe in other myths and such but with this type it is more fantasy than anything else. I would need to be given factual and solid scientific evidence explaining how and why this would occur. I refuse to acknowledge this as a valid warning. However I do have respect for some of the CDC government opinions, as they are entitled believe whatever they may want to. Even if it Is scientifically based To me it ties in with someone wanting the entertainment and excitement due to their boredom or preparing for the true natural disasters.The idea is to get the attention of people who would otherwise not prepare for real, actual emergencies, like natural disasters by getting the attention of people and getting them to seriously think about an emergency kit, in order to save us money. In any survival situation you must have food, water, shelter & protection. However, if a zombie apocalypse were to occur, you would not only have to have the supplies to survive, but would also have to have the ability to protect the supplies and your family.Most likely, you would need to have enough supplies for a minimum of three months. Then have a plan for either how to grow or produce your own supplies. This is another factual to needing to prepare. Personally, I would like to know why everyone thinks that they would be trying to survive. With the likely percentage of infection across the world in all the scenarios e imagine, there is a 99 percent chance that you would be a zombie too. What makes one think that it could not â€Å"happen to me? Why would one assume that they would be fighting them? Chances are they would be stumbling and moaning as well. These are questions that I face with this type of myth and why people could possibly be into this. Other people would use this as another way to get closer to their faith. For example, people would think that the zombies are Satin's demons and the â€Å"living† are God's children trying to escape Satin's grasp. To me this seems a very possible way to lead to their myth and fantasy in their minds.As other people believe, like me, that the zombies a re far-fetched, they do however look at the facts like the deadly flu in 1918 making people afraid to leave their homes. To me it is one way to use this apocalypse as entertainment to fill their boredom, but to end up believing this could possibly be an outcome in the world is bizarre. As, you can see many people use this as a way to prepare for the real disasters in the world, to have emergency kits and plans on how to survive. But then other people see it as actually happening. What do you believe in? Myth or fact? Why are you into this? Reflection paper This chapter focuses on the principles of biology. Biology Is the scientific study of life. A notable contradiction to science Is pseudoscience which Is something that sounds selecting but Is not based on complete evidence. Life encompasses a wide variety of things, but all life has a set of seven characteristics which are order, regulation, growth and development, energy processing, response to the environment, reproduction, and evolution. Life exists in many levels ranging from the exosphere to molecules and atoms.A cell is the lowest structural level that can sustain the activities required for life. Cells exist in one of two categories: prokaryotic or eukaryotic. A prokaryotic cell is simple, small, and lacking a nucleus while a eukaryotic cell is larger and more complex, containing many membrane-enclosed organelles. Biological domains further differentiate between kinds of cells. There are three major biological domains, two of which are classified for prokaryote and the other f or eukaryote. They are Domain Bacteria, Domain Archie, and Domain Eukaryote.Evolution Is also a major theme In biology. Evolution Is the concept of life evolving over the course of time. Charles Darwin Is responsible for the concept of evolution through natural selection. His idea of natural selection was about the adaptation to the environment over time by populations in order to survive. Discovery science and hypothesis driven science are the two main processes of science. Scientists follow the scientific method to test their findings. Theories and scientific saws sometimes result from many repeated experiments.A theory is a comprehensive explanation while a law is a more a generalized description. The basis of science requires that experiments be repeatable, as scientists repeat each other's experiments to check for verification. This is why It Is very important for scientists to be honest with their observations and results. Correlations occur when events occur together In time and space. It Is very Important to know that correlation does not always equal causation. A controlled experiment Is needed to prove a relation.This includes a control and experimental group. As science has advanced, technologies have advanced as well to help us apply or take advantage of said scientific advances. Positive and negative things have come about from the mix of science and technology. A positive result has been the use of DNA in criminal court cases. A negative result has been the deforestation and toxic wastes caused the growth in population. The information regarding the resistance that certain bacteria may be developing towards antibiotics is particularly interesting to me.This will also be relevant to me not only as I may probably be more careful with any future antibiotic Intake but also as I will be entering the health field and will need to be aware of this. As a nurse I might need to administer antibiotics or monitor or read patients bacterial count. By the time I become a nurse, In a couple of years, this has the possibly of becoming a larger Issue (hopefully not! ) and their might need to be extra precautions that I will need to inform patients of as well as general health. Reflection Paper Across Cultures Reflection Cross-cultural literacy and experiences are playing an Increasingly important part In developing a global management team particularly In a cultural-diversity team or organization. Building an effective global business team by Governance and Septa's told us that multinational corporations looking to exploit global economic of scale, transfer of knowledge etc needs to master managing global business teams. And the Dam's presents three culturally determined strategies for resolving conflict between organizational members from different cultures.For the past peer reviewed presentation, the purpose of this presentation is to help us gaining more experiences by working in a multicultural team. This teamwork exercise has given me an opportunity to develop my cultural learning and improve my understanding of the concept of culture. Be more specific about the part of communication, there Is Individualistic versus collectivist In the cultural aspect. The collective require consensus on decisions and the Individual view this as lower priority. Our group was In the prevalence of collectivism which has pros and cons.In a positive way, our team members can put forward different ideas then put them all together to achieve our goal. Furthermore, our team members select the best ideas to present and arrangement the points without any questions. During the discussion, we had different personal opinions due to the shortage of individualism so some conflicts arisen. To solve this problem, we tended to continue the ideas then discussed which one is most accepted. Therefore, there aren't many diverse ideas until finished the discussion.Next time, I will think out more Ideas then try to communicate with my team members more. At same time, I will listen to others about their opinions clearly and try to compare different Ideas then choose the best Idea. The communication Is the Important factor In the multinational cooperation. MAGGOT'S Reflection Paper BY h eptanes Cross-cultural literacy and experiences are playing an increasingly important part in developing a global management team particularly in a cultural-diversity team or organization.Building an effective global business team by Governance and Septa's Be more specific about the part of communication, there is individualistic versus collectivist in the cultural aspect. The collective require consensus on decisions and the individual view this as lower priority. Our group was in the prevalence of will think out more ideas then try to communicate with my team members more. At different ideas then choose the best idea. The communication is the important factor in the multinational cooperation. Reflection Paper Teachers, parents, and peers can all assume who is a good student and who is not by their reparation for the class, in-class behavior, and how they manage their classes on their free time. It is permanently vital to be prepared for class not only for yourself but to show the professor what kind of student you are. This means that the student should have read the material beforehand to get a clear understanding of the theme of the following lecture and prepare any questions.Also, being on time and bringing the proper necessities to class will show your professor that you are ready to learn. Being prepared for class is the first impressions students show their professors. I complete my reparation the day before the class. Do this to refresh my memory of the new course material. In addition, if I have a question, jot it down in my note book so will not forget it the day of class. I always keep my needed supplies in my backpack and double check before every class.If you are not prepared, your professor may think down upon you, which is an undesirable way to prove your self-worth. Behavior inside the classroom is correspondingly important. Just like being prepared, showing up to class on time can increase your chances of having a great first impression. Classroom etiquette involves tying throughout all of class while being involved and taking notes. Although am very shy and quite, give my professors clues that I am paying attention and am interested in their class.To do this, sit in the front of the class, look at the teacher while he or she is talking, and ask any questions that may come up. In addition, I try my best to keep small group discussions on topic. However, I know that I can greatly extend these tactics to prove how interested I am in the class. After class many students forget to do their assignments and procrastinate until the last possible moment. This will result in terrible work and prove to the professor that their class is not one of your prioriti es.The best way I show my professors that I am interested in class is by taking the time with my homework and papers. Will complete the assignment but will continue to recheck what have done up until I am completely pleased with my work. By doing so, I am communicating that I actually care about the class. In Sociology 201 , I put in my best effort to impress my professor. Although I am not asking many questions and do not talk as much as other students, do try my best to prove my interest and give great impression by the work I do produce. Reflection Paper Teachers, parents, and peers can all assume who is a good student and who is not by their reparation for the class, in-class behavior, and how they manage their classes on their free time. It is permanently vital to be prepared for class not only for yourself but to show the professor what kind of student you are. This means that the student should have read the material beforehand to get a clear understanding of the theme of the following lecture and prepare any questions.Also, being on time and bringing the proper necessities to class will show your professor that you are ready to learn. Being prepared for class is the first impressions students show their professors. I complete my reparation the day before the class. Do this to refresh my memory of the new course material. In addition, if I have a question, jot it down in my note book so will not forget it the day of class. I always keep my needed supplies in my backpack and double check before every class.If you are not prepared, your professor may think down upon you, which is an undesirable way to prove your self-worth. Behavior inside the classroom is correspondingly important. Just like being prepared, showing up to class on time can increase your chances of having a great first impression. Classroom etiquette involves tying throughout all of class while being involved and taking notes. Although am very shy and quite, give my professors clues that I am paying attention and am interested in their class.To do this, sit in the front of the class, look at the teacher while he or she is talking, and ask any questions that may come up. In addition, I try my best to keep small group discussions on topic. However, I know that I can greatly extend these tactics to prove how interested I am in the class. After class many students forget to do their assignments and procrastinate until the last possible moment. This will result in terrible work and prove to the professor that their class is not one of your prioriti es.The best way I show my professors that I am interested in class is by taking the time with my homework and papers. Will complete the assignment but will continue to recheck what have done up until I am completely pleased with my work. By doing so, I am communicating that I actually care about the class. In Sociology 201 , I put in my best effort to impress my professor. Although I am not asking many questions and do not talk as much as other students, do try my best to prove my interest and give great impression by the work I do produce. Reflection paper Asian Stereotypes It's human nature to create stereotypes. Humans are Judgmental beings that always seem to Judge something before they get to know them. Whether Its fear of the unknown, or Just because of bias. Stereotypes can be seen in almost every race. From white people being considered â€Å"trailer trash,† to Hispanics being known as â€Å"lazy. † Another group that has stereotypes are Asians. Asian people are those who originate from Asian. This group Includes both Indians, Japanese, and Chinese people. To begin, there are many different stereotypes about Asians.First of all, Aslant men are considered to be chauvinistic. Males are considered to be very disrespectful towards women. They are also seen as against the liberation of people. Furthermore, Aslant parents are portrayed as conservative and strict. Especially In the movies they are seen as dictators with their children. Thirdly, Asians are considered to have better bad English. As many movies have also sho wn, Asians are shown as having a very broken English and being unable to say â€Å"L† sounds. Moreover, religion is also something that people stereotype.For example, Sikhs are all considered to be Muslims. Also that Asians are not very good athletes. The one that is most common is that all Asians are great at mathematics. This is more of a nurture and less of nature when it comes to mathematics. I believe this is where the whole all Asians are doctors idea came from. This is all untrue. All in all, stereotypes are Just made up ideas about others. We tend to group people up with what we believe they represent. It's an unfortunate part of life but it seems to happen more and more. Reflection paper Asian Stereotypes It's human nature to create stereotypes. Humans are Judgmental beings that always seem to Judge something before they get to know them. Whether Its fear of the unknown, or Just because of bias. Stereotypes can be seen in almost every race. From white people being considered â€Å"trailer trash,† to Hispanics being known as â€Å"lazy. † Another group that has stereotypes are Asians. Asian people are those who originate from Asian. This group Includes both Indians, Japanese, and Chinese people. To begin, there are many different stereotypes about Asians.First of all, Aslant men are considered to be chauvinistic. Males are considered to be very disrespectful towards women. They are also seen as against the liberation of people. Furthermore, Aslant parents are portrayed as conservative and strict. Especially In the movies they are seen as dictators with their children. Thirdly, Asians are considered to have better bad English. As many movies have also sho wn, Asians are shown as having a very broken English and being unable to say â€Å"L† sounds. Moreover, religion is also something that people stereotype.For example, Sikhs are all considered to be Muslims. Also that Asians are not very good athletes. The one that is most common is that all Asians are great at mathematics. This is more of a nurture and less of nature when it comes to mathematics. I believe this is where the whole all Asians are doctors idea came from. This is all untrue. All in all, stereotypes are Just made up ideas about others. We tend to group people up with what we believe they represent. It's an unfortunate part of life but it seems to happen more and more.