Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Assighment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assighment - Essay Example Discussion Definition of Diversity Diversity is described as the characteristics and talents of an individual that distinguishes him from other human beings. Moreover, an individual might also be distinguished from others on the basis of education, religions, caste, creed, race, culture, age, behavior, nationality, status and living style. Although diversity is present everywhere, still we all believe to live within a single big umbrella, called UNITY. Keeping this concept in mind, now a day’s the effects of diversity is fading slowing and gradually from the workplaces of the entire globe. Effects of Diversity, while discussion over ‘Female Identity’ in the organization At the time of discussion in a debate session over the topic of female identification within the organization, varied types of ideas and views came into focus. Numerous senior as well as junior members of the organization presented varied types of negative statements or opinions regarding the progr ess or development of the female community. According to them, progress of female segment is just waste of time and money as ultimately they need to devote their time for the development of the family members. ... so they need to be present within the interiors of the residence and the females might also be looked after by a male member of the family so that they remain free from any type of troubles. Therefore, female progress or identification is just a nightmare that might never become successful. After hearing such types of negative and pessimistic statements, it seemed extremely disturbing and distressing to me along with many other group members and so we all presented the positive sides of female progress. In this age, males and females are uniform in all sense, i.e. in terms of education, experience, knowledge and outlook. Moreover, an organization might surely present the opportunity for the female members of the society to get recruited so as to enhance their identity in a male-dominated nation or state. Only then the females might present their talents, knowledge, ideas, information and facts in front of numerous male members. This might act as a weapon to reduce the impacts of dome stic as well as corporate violence over the females thereby amplifying reputation and image in the market among others. Along with this, it might also amplify the status and popularity of the females within a society among the male members and within a corporate business world. Thus, such type of multicultural organization might prove effective in tackling varied type of situational challenges (Thyer, 345-378). Therefore, after completion of the ideas and statements of our group members, all other pessimistic individual changed their opinion, regarding this topic. All of them stated that female progress or identification is extremely essential in this age of extensive crimes and violence. Hence, the concluding statement filled our hearts with extreme contentment and happiness. Conclusion

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