Friday, October 11, 2019

Reflection paper

Reflection Paper: Zombie Apocalypse Myths have been around in all parts of the world for thousands and thousands of years. All religions have their own myths on how the world was created and dealing with the evil spirits in the world and much more. Over the years there were different myths created making society believe in them along with others wanting the historical facts behind these myths. Making many of us develop a sense of fantasy with these myths. For example, the zombie apocalypse.The word Zombie comes from the Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. It refers to a human dead body which serves the undead, but what makes people so crazed over it? Is it the mysterious way the illness or â€Å"bite† first started? Why is it continually being spoken about on the websites and on the television? Many people have their own interpretation on this. Many of it deals with the preparedness for the end of the world. This ties into the entertainment of peoples minds since people ar e bored in the world wanting to create a new myth. Let me elaborate on this farther.When It comes to the zombie type of apocalypse many people have created movies, video games, and books on It. This type of apocalypse have given some people the â€Å"adrenaline rush† in video games for they can use violence to kill these zombies. Other people search the facts in order to prepare for disasters in the world. It can be tough to get people thinking about emergency preparedness before disaster strikes. Hollywood created these zombie movies, video games, television series, and books to spark our attention and get people Involved in preparing before a true natural disaster strikes.Because of these many movies and books In the world It made people question this zombie apocalypse. Will it really happen? How do you prepare for it? Many people in the world have said to have an emergency plan and survival kit set up. But who would want to believe this? Is it a myth or fact? Many people h ave then thought of this apocalypse as another contribute to the humans who are â€Å"living† whom, without the threat of law, would contemplating to rape and kill you Just to take what you have, and to enjoy whatever sick twisted fantasy they cook up on the spot.This Is the type of facts people have to add to this myth. As signs go on with the facts other than trying to survive and kill the zombies, people would get depression. Depression will lower your immune system, causing the stress and making you tired constantly which can add to your death or becoming a â€Å"zombie. † Even if there is not a zombie attack, the government might be more prepared for an earthquake or any other type of disaster which is more common than an actual zombie apocalypse. I personally do not believe In the typical zombie apocalypse movies and videotapes and such.I do believe in other myths and such but with this type it is more fantasy than anything else. I would need to be given factual and solid scientific evidence explaining how and why this would occur. I refuse to acknowledge this as a valid warning. However I do have respect for some of the CDC government opinions, as they are entitled believe whatever they may want to. Even if it Is scientifically based To me it ties in with someone wanting the entertainment and excitement due to their boredom or preparing for the true natural disasters.The idea is to get the attention of people who would otherwise not prepare for real, actual emergencies, like natural disasters by getting the attention of people and getting them to seriously think about an emergency kit, in order to save us money. In any survival situation you must have food, water, shelter & protection. However, if a zombie apocalypse were to occur, you would not only have to have the supplies to survive, but would also have to have the ability to protect the supplies and your family.Most likely, you would need to have enough supplies for a minimum of three months. Then have a plan for either how to grow or produce your own supplies. This is another factual to needing to prepare. Personally, I would like to know why everyone thinks that they would be trying to survive. With the likely percentage of infection across the world in all the scenarios e imagine, there is a 99 percent chance that you would be a zombie too. What makes one think that it could not â€Å"happen to me? Why would one assume that they would be fighting them? Chances are they would be stumbling and moaning as well. These are questions that I face with this type of myth and why people could possibly be into this. Other people would use this as another way to get closer to their faith. For example, people would think that the zombies are Satin's demons and the â€Å"living† are God's children trying to escape Satin's grasp. To me this seems a very possible way to lead to their myth and fantasy in their minds.As other people believe, like me, that the zombies a re far-fetched, they do however look at the facts like the deadly flu in 1918 making people afraid to leave their homes. To me it is one way to use this apocalypse as entertainment to fill their boredom, but to end up believing this could possibly be an outcome in the world is bizarre. As, you can see many people use this as a way to prepare for the real disasters in the world, to have emergency kits and plans on how to survive. But then other people see it as actually happening. What do you believe in? Myth or fact? Why are you into this? Reflection paper This chapter focuses on the principles of biology. Biology Is the scientific study of life. A notable contradiction to science Is pseudoscience which Is something that sounds selecting but Is not based on complete evidence. Life encompasses a wide variety of things, but all life has a set of seven characteristics which are order, regulation, growth and development, energy processing, response to the environment, reproduction, and evolution. Life exists in many levels ranging from the exosphere to molecules and atoms.A cell is the lowest structural level that can sustain the activities required for life. Cells exist in one of two categories: prokaryotic or eukaryotic. A prokaryotic cell is simple, small, and lacking a nucleus while a eukaryotic cell is larger and more complex, containing many membrane-enclosed organelles. Biological domains further differentiate between kinds of cells. There are three major biological domains, two of which are classified for prokaryote and the other f or eukaryote. They are Domain Bacteria, Domain Archie, and Domain Eukaryote.Evolution Is also a major theme In biology. Evolution Is the concept of life evolving over the course of time. Charles Darwin Is responsible for the concept of evolution through natural selection. His idea of natural selection was about the adaptation to the environment over time by populations in order to survive. Discovery science and hypothesis driven science are the two main processes of science. Scientists follow the scientific method to test their findings. Theories and scientific saws sometimes result from many repeated experiments.A theory is a comprehensive explanation while a law is a more a generalized description. The basis of science requires that experiments be repeatable, as scientists repeat each other's experiments to check for verification. This is why It Is very important for scientists to be honest with their observations and results. Correlations occur when events occur together In time and space. It Is very Important to know that correlation does not always equal causation. A controlled experiment Is needed to prove a relation.This includes a control and experimental group. As science has advanced, technologies have advanced as well to help us apply or take advantage of said scientific advances. Positive and negative things have come about from the mix of science and technology. A positive result has been the use of DNA in criminal court cases. A negative result has been the deforestation and toxic wastes caused the growth in population. The information regarding the resistance that certain bacteria may be developing towards antibiotics is particularly interesting to me.This will also be relevant to me not only as I may probably be more careful with any future antibiotic Intake but also as I will be entering the health field and will need to be aware of this. As a nurse I might need to administer antibiotics or monitor or read patients bacterial count. By the time I become a nurse, In a couple of years, this has the possibly of becoming a larger Issue (hopefully not! ) and their might need to be extra precautions that I will need to inform patients of as well as general health. Reflection Paper Across Cultures Reflection Cross-cultural literacy and experiences are playing an Increasingly important part In developing a global management team particularly In a cultural-diversity team or organization. Building an effective global business team by Governance and Septa's told us that multinational corporations looking to exploit global economic of scale, transfer of knowledge etc needs to master managing global business teams. And the Dam's presents three culturally determined strategies for resolving conflict between organizational members from different cultures.For the past peer reviewed presentation, the purpose of this presentation is to help us gaining more experiences by working in a multicultural team. This teamwork exercise has given me an opportunity to develop my cultural learning and improve my understanding of the concept of culture. Be more specific about the part of communication, there Is Individualistic versus collectivist In the cultural aspect. The collective require consensus on decisions and the Individual view this as lower priority. Our group was In the prevalence of collectivism which has pros and cons.In a positive way, our team members can put forward different ideas then put them all together to achieve our goal. Furthermore, our team members select the best ideas to present and arrangement the points without any questions. During the discussion, we had different personal opinions due to the shortage of individualism so some conflicts arisen. To solve this problem, we tended to continue the ideas then discussed which one is most accepted. Therefore, there aren't many diverse ideas until finished the discussion.Next time, I will think out more Ideas then try to communicate with my team members more. At same time, I will listen to others about their opinions clearly and try to compare different Ideas then choose the best Idea. The communication Is the Important factor In the multinational cooperation. MAGGOT'S Reflection Paper BY h eptanes Cross-cultural literacy and experiences are playing an increasingly important part in developing a global management team particularly in a cultural-diversity team or organization.Building an effective global business team by Governance and Septa's Be more specific about the part of communication, there is individualistic versus collectivist in the cultural aspect. The collective require consensus on decisions and the individual view this as lower priority. Our group was in the prevalence of will think out more ideas then try to communicate with my team members more. At different ideas then choose the best idea. The communication is the important factor in the multinational cooperation. Reflection Paper Teachers, parents, and peers can all assume who is a good student and who is not by their reparation for the class, in-class behavior, and how they manage their classes on their free time. It is permanently vital to be prepared for class not only for yourself but to show the professor what kind of student you are. This means that the student should have read the material beforehand to get a clear understanding of the theme of the following lecture and prepare any questions.Also, being on time and bringing the proper necessities to class will show your professor that you are ready to learn. Being prepared for class is the first impressions students show their professors. I complete my reparation the day before the class. Do this to refresh my memory of the new course material. In addition, if I have a question, jot it down in my note book so will not forget it the day of class. I always keep my needed supplies in my backpack and double check before every class.If you are not prepared, your professor may think down upon you, which is an undesirable way to prove your self-worth. Behavior inside the classroom is correspondingly important. Just like being prepared, showing up to class on time can increase your chances of having a great first impression. Classroom etiquette involves tying throughout all of class while being involved and taking notes. Although am very shy and quite, give my professors clues that I am paying attention and am interested in their class.To do this, sit in the front of the class, look at the teacher while he or she is talking, and ask any questions that may come up. In addition, I try my best to keep small group discussions on topic. However, I know that I can greatly extend these tactics to prove how interested I am in the class. After class many students forget to do their assignments and procrastinate until the last possible moment. This will result in terrible work and prove to the professor that their class is not one of your prioriti es.The best way I show my professors that I am interested in class is by taking the time with my homework and papers. Will complete the assignment but will continue to recheck what have done up until I am completely pleased with my work. By doing so, I am communicating that I actually care about the class. In Sociology 201 , I put in my best effort to impress my professor. Although I am not asking many questions and do not talk as much as other students, do try my best to prove my interest and give great impression by the work I do produce. Reflection Paper Teachers, parents, and peers can all assume who is a good student and who is not by their reparation for the class, in-class behavior, and how they manage their classes on their free time. It is permanently vital to be prepared for class not only for yourself but to show the professor what kind of student you are. This means that the student should have read the material beforehand to get a clear understanding of the theme of the following lecture and prepare any questions.Also, being on time and bringing the proper necessities to class will show your professor that you are ready to learn. Being prepared for class is the first impressions students show their professors. I complete my reparation the day before the class. Do this to refresh my memory of the new course material. In addition, if I have a question, jot it down in my note book so will not forget it the day of class. I always keep my needed supplies in my backpack and double check before every class.If you are not prepared, your professor may think down upon you, which is an undesirable way to prove your self-worth. Behavior inside the classroom is correspondingly important. Just like being prepared, showing up to class on time can increase your chances of having a great first impression. Classroom etiquette involves tying throughout all of class while being involved and taking notes. Although am very shy and quite, give my professors clues that I am paying attention and am interested in their class.To do this, sit in the front of the class, look at the teacher while he or she is talking, and ask any questions that may come up. In addition, I try my best to keep small group discussions on topic. However, I know that I can greatly extend these tactics to prove how interested I am in the class. After class many students forget to do their assignments and procrastinate until the last possible moment. This will result in terrible work and prove to the professor that their class is not one of your prioriti es.The best way I show my professors that I am interested in class is by taking the time with my homework and papers. Will complete the assignment but will continue to recheck what have done up until I am completely pleased with my work. By doing so, I am communicating that I actually care about the class. In Sociology 201 , I put in my best effort to impress my professor. Although I am not asking many questions and do not talk as much as other students, do try my best to prove my interest and give great impression by the work I do produce. Reflection paper Asian Stereotypes It's human nature to create stereotypes. Humans are Judgmental beings that always seem to Judge something before they get to know them. Whether Its fear of the unknown, or Just because of bias. Stereotypes can be seen in almost every race. From white people being considered â€Å"trailer trash,† to Hispanics being known as â€Å"lazy. † Another group that has stereotypes are Asians. Asian people are those who originate from Asian. This group Includes both Indians, Japanese, and Chinese people. To begin, there are many different stereotypes about Asians.First of all, Aslant men are considered to be chauvinistic. Males are considered to be very disrespectful towards women. They are also seen as against the liberation of people. Furthermore, Aslant parents are portrayed as conservative and strict. Especially In the movies they are seen as dictators with their children. Thirdly, Asians are considered to have better bad English. As many movies have also sho wn, Asians are shown as having a very broken English and being unable to say â€Å"L† sounds. Moreover, religion is also something that people stereotype.For example, Sikhs are all considered to be Muslims. Also that Asians are not very good athletes. The one that is most common is that all Asians are great at mathematics. This is more of a nurture and less of nature when it comes to mathematics. I believe this is where the whole all Asians are doctors idea came from. This is all untrue. All in all, stereotypes are Just made up ideas about others. We tend to group people up with what we believe they represent. It's an unfortunate part of life but it seems to happen more and more. Reflection paper Asian Stereotypes It's human nature to create stereotypes. Humans are Judgmental beings that always seem to Judge something before they get to know them. Whether Its fear of the unknown, or Just because of bias. Stereotypes can be seen in almost every race. From white people being considered â€Å"trailer trash,† to Hispanics being known as â€Å"lazy. † Another group that has stereotypes are Asians. Asian people are those who originate from Asian. This group Includes both Indians, Japanese, and Chinese people. To begin, there are many different stereotypes about Asians.First of all, Aslant men are considered to be chauvinistic. Males are considered to be very disrespectful towards women. They are also seen as against the liberation of people. Furthermore, Aslant parents are portrayed as conservative and strict. Especially In the movies they are seen as dictators with their children. Thirdly, Asians are considered to have better bad English. As many movies have also sho wn, Asians are shown as having a very broken English and being unable to say â€Å"L† sounds. Moreover, religion is also something that people stereotype.For example, Sikhs are all considered to be Muslims. Also that Asians are not very good athletes. The one that is most common is that all Asians are great at mathematics. This is more of a nurture and less of nature when it comes to mathematics. I believe this is where the whole all Asians are doctors idea came from. This is all untrue. All in all, stereotypes are Just made up ideas about others. We tend to group people up with what we believe they represent. It's an unfortunate part of life but it seems to happen more and more.

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